Chapter 5: The Guy I've Met Before

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Jennica Point of View

Its good to have someone who you can talk to, telling your worries and problems. But I always thought of having that kind of friend

Can someone tell me that I'm pretty on my own way?

"Why do I always make myself doubt?"

"How I wish"

"A friend that will always make me smile"

"A friend that will always make me laugh and make silly jokes"

"Why am I so afraid of losing those friend who don't even know how to keep me, take care of me and cherish me?"

Someone throw an egg on my uniform. I stand up and look whoever throw it but I didn't expect it was the bully princess who never stop bothering me at all

"Jennica! Talking by all yourself" speaking of the witch. I couldn't even talked back at her because I don't want to embarass her

She approached me and touch my face pretending to care

"Are you alright?" feel worried but it makes me feel mad because I don't know if it is real

Poured the milk on my head at the same poured the water on my face which made me look pathetic

Everyday, I'm sick and tired of these people doing this to me.

"I've enough of you sarah!" I shouted at her and stand up to show to her I'm strong enough to fight back

"Now, you're brave. What you're going to do? Hurt me?? As if you could do that"

Yes, I can't because you don't know the feeling of getting hurt. She pushed until I leaned against the wall when she was about to slap suddenly someone hold her hand

"Who the hell i...."

"Are you alright jennica?" the guy asked

"Yes" I said

"What is your problem? Let go of me"

He let go of the hand but sarah is really pissed off right now

"Let's go girls" then they left

I try to find some wipes to clean myself but the guy handed me a handkerchief

"Why do you always let yourself get bully by those kind of girls?" I couldn't say anything but just stare at him because he looks familiar like I met him before somewhere

"Don't just stare at me, answer my question"

"Oh sorry about that" I said but couldn't even stop thinking about it

"Did we met before?" I suddey asked even though I don't know him

"Oh sorry, I'm joshua lim" introduced himself

Yesterday I met a girl named natalie, now I met this guy. Its really weird, ever since I entered that dream academy I meet random people here in royale academy which seem new to me

"I see that you didn't use your 5 wishes yet"

"How did you know?" I asked that made me feel shocked

He looked at me and smile

"Wait, you're the guy I met before. In the dream academy" I said without hesitation

"Now you know, but why didn't you make your first wish?"

"I don't know what to wish for" I said

"What is your dream?"

"To have true friends"

"How about being pretty?"

"I don't want to change myself just become pretty. I let myself be making me people accept me for who I am"

He removed my glasses and saying this

"You know what you're pretty with or without glasses. You don't need to impress others to like you. They keep saying those words to hurt but they don't know what does pretty means"

I don't know what to say to him because I keep thinking all the things happened in my life that make me feel bad at all. Making myself suffer and abused by others

"Jennica, remember believe in the beauty of your dreams and your wish will come true if you believe"

"Do you know where is the dream academy since you're the one who lead me there?" I asked because I really want to find it

"Believe and you will see jennica"

Should I make my firsh wish?

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