Chapter 4: Believe in Yourself

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Jennica Point of View

"I've been noticing you and looking at you even in a secret way"

"You know what, I like you jennica"

"You're beautiful enough in my eyes"


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Those words made my heart beat fast and fluttered. It put a big smile on my face but the moment I realized hearing these words

"No way! I can't imagine myself being with her"

It break my heart into pieces. Why do I get easily attached with someone? Why do I trust someone that much? without knowing I make myself look foolish because of what my heart tell me without my mind giving me a hint

"Why can't I have a true friend?"

"Why can't anyone accept for who I am?"

"Nobody wants to be with me because I'm ugly and nerd"

All I want is to have a friend who I can talk to, eat lunch together, friendly date in the amusement park, someone who will stay by my side

"This world is too cruel!"

"Who are you talking to jennica?"

"Ah! You scared me!" it almost gave me an heart attack

"Who are you anyway? Are you new here?" I asked because it seems to me she just transferred

"Sorry about that, I'm natalie cruz. I'm not new here. I'm always keep watching you" that sounds weird and creepy because why would she keep watching me

"Not to scare jennica, I just hate how they treat you at all. I hope someday they could all learn their lesson"

That made me feel a little bit happy because I noticed that she doesn't hate me at all

"Don't you hate me?" I said

"No why should I? For me, you're pretty they just don't know how to appreciate you at all because they don't see the true beauty of one person"

"Am I ugly?" I asked because I don't want to say or hear the word "pretty" because I end up making myself feel pity and people might think it doesn't fit at me

"Never doubt yourself asking that question. Everyone of us are pretty on our own. We just don't know how to express the word pretty because we are afraid to be criticize by those people who are full to themselves"

"Is it obvious?" I couldn't ask anything

"Not really"

"You know what jennica? Believe in yourself. Nothing to be ashamed of, no matter what other people say always look into the mirror and ask yourself this 'Am I enough? Am I pretty? What am I so afraid of?' after finding some answer you might feel relieved and make yourself comfortable"

"I don't know what to say" I feel relax and comfortable talking to her

"Don't even think that I'm also one of them. Yes, I'm a princess but it doesn't I have to wear a crown and elegant dress just to impress others. The only thing you need to do is to believe in yourself. The beauty inside you what matter the most" I am so amaze by what she said, she didn't make me feel bad at myself but instead give an advice

"I was wondering, if you're not afraid to be judge by others because you're with me" I started to feel small and fool saying these words to her even she is encouraging me just to believe within

"No, I'm not afraid of losing. What I'm a afraid is that when people never stop destroyong without fighting. Afraid letting myself get hurt, destroy and tramply to those who are not even worth it to be with"

That made me realize something, why did I make myself get hurt by those people who are not even worth of my time

"You'll understand what I'm saying jennica. Someday, with your own feet you're ready to let go of things that is not worth it to hold on"

"Remember, beauty isn't about having a pretty face it's about havinv a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul" natalie final words and smiled at me.

How I wish you could be my friend?

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