5| Everlasting

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The truth is, she wasn't even that mad. When Khepri really was angry, it usually ended up in someone dying. Jungkook getting all worked-up and grabbing her by the throat was more of a deep-annoyance kind of situation.

Clasping his hand with both of hers, she started pulling on his fingers, trying to get him to let loose. To her surprise, however, he stayed as immobile as a statue, looking deeply at her with a tensed jaw and dark eyes clouded by animosity until Khepri let go, realizing he was using his magic against her.

She could feel it run in his body, coiling and uncoiling in his stomach to part like tree branches in his limbs and fuel his muscles with pure energy, blazing white, seeping in his bones and his flesh, so much of it, it was overwhelming. And now all of that power was directed in his hand, holding her still and pressing on her trachea until she started to choke on it and let out pitiful gasps.

Khepri sent him a challenging look before punching him in the ribs, right where his new tattoo was. Jungkook immediately folded in half from the pain, letting her free and watching her run at the other side of the room, panting.

She winced as her fingers grazed her throat, feeling the skin of her neck tender and bruised. Jungkook, getting over the pain pretty fast, walked towards her with a lethal gaze, even more furious than before if it was possible. He was almost scary as he stepped towards her, fists clenched, and jaw set tight.

"Listen. I don't want to hurt you. Just remove this thing on my chest, let me go, and you will never see me again."

"And if I don't do that, what will you do?" she said in a disinterested tone, "Kill me?"

Jungkook pressed his lips in a thin line, knowing perfectly well that if it came to it, he wouldn't hesitate. This wasn't just about him. If somehow, she learned about the rest of his coven, she could come for them as well. No way he was letting Namjoon and the others take the fall for him.

"I've killed witches before," he told her, "So don't think I would spare you because you spared me."

Khepri rolled her eyes. She was perfectly immune to death threats or any other kind of blackmail that would involve her neck being snapped or her body to be burned, drowned, or lynched.

"For fuck's sake," she said, looking at him like what he had just said was highly disappointing.

She backed off to the wall, grabbing the sword that was on the floor. The metal gleamed softly in the obscurity as she put it against her throat, right in the crook of her neck where her jugular was.

"Go ahead then, just kill me. Have your fun so we can move on afterwards."

Jungkook froze, thinking this girl was definitely insane and probably suicidal.

"You don't like the idea of killing a girl?" she continued, "Want me to do it for you? Seriously, you just have to press on the blade, it's at the right spot over the carotid, so one little cut will have me bleeding all over the floor and I'll be dead in less than five minutes."

She cocked an eyebrow, slightly bored as Jungkook glared back at her, shocked by her speech and clearly thinking she was kidding. This was some kind of reverse psychology to prove that he wouldn't kill her, right? 

"I – Just remove the fucking tattoo already so I can go!" he yelled, holding back from stomping his foot against the floor like a child.

Khepri sighed deeply, shaking he head.

"Fine. If you want to play it that way."

Then, in one sharp movement, she sliced her throat open.

Jungkook was so horrified, he stayed completely immobile as he watched the blood spurt out of the wound, gallons of red running down her neck to soak her clothes and create a puddle on the dirty floor. She fell to the ground with a dull thud after only a few seconds, her body convulsing a few times. The blood was projected like a geyser in every direction, pulsing with every beat of her heart until a few minutes in, when the girl immobilized. Her eyes stayed open, but already she couldn't see anything.

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