13| Run

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There was a lot of wind, the current of air blasting against her ears, as well as that unpleasant plunging feeling; heart in her throat, light-headedness, fear-inducing state that came with being propelled into nothingness. For a minute, Khepri didn't know where the ground was from the sky, her eyes tightly shut as she held onto Jungkook like a life jacket. Her nails dug into his waist, unable to scream but mouth wide open in a silent cry.

And then they brutally hit the ground. Jungkook fell forward, dropping the girl who rolled away in the dirt, her knees and elbows getting scraped on pointy rocks until something hard stopped her progression. She stayed still for a second, assessing the damage done to her body. When she realized that she was in one piece, she opened her eyes, taking a breath and coughing. For a second, all she saw was the moon swivelling in front of her eyes.

Then she realized what had happened.

They were now on the other side of the ravine.

Jungkook had somehow jumped across the chasm, propelling them forward almost 200 meters for them to land safely on the top of the other cliff. Khepri blinked, completely baffled by the amount of force the boy had, not only bringing her to the other side, but the sword and her travel bag as well.

She looked back to the other cliff where the dogs were barking loudly into the night, all of them standing at the edge of the void and howling at the two witches, ears pointed up and tails low, teeth glistening under the moonlight.

They knew better than to try to follow them.

"Jungkook?" Khepri called, looking sideways.

She couldn't see the boy and stood up, checking the tall grass for any sign of him.

"I'm here!" he whined from a little further.

He didn't look good, clutching his side which was heavily bleeding while leaning against a tree. The girl ran to him, taking-in his pale complexion and weary eyes.

"Let me see," she asked, grabbing a fistful of his shirt.

However, the sound of gunshots interrupted them. On the other side of the cliff, the hunters had joined the dogs and were now shooting at them. Even from afar, they didn't seem happy at all to see their prey getting away.

"Not again!" the girl cried, joining Jungkook to run into the forest, where the trees would give them some cover.

The boy let out a cry when a bullet hit him in the back and he fell, dead weight into the tall herbs. Khepri gritted her teeth, turning on her heels to help him stand while hearing the bullets fly by her ears.

"I'm okay," he breathed out, standing back up on wobbly legs.

The bullet was lodged in his lower back, dangerously close to his spine. The girl watched him run further into the forest, impressed by his will to keep going despite how hurt he was. She followed right behind him this time, to make sure no more projectiles would hit him again.

Fortunately, the gunshots suddenly stopped, as they were reaching a point so deep in the woods, shooting them was becoming a waste of ammo. Jungkook collapsed into a small clearing as soon as the silence was made around them, and this time he didn't stand back up.

He let out a sound, half-gurgle, half whine, eyes open wide towards the sky. Khepri kneeled at his side, watching with concern his dilated pupils blankly directed at the moon. His forehead was glistening with sweat and when she put her hand against the skin, she felt him burning up under her fingers.

"You need some of my blood," the girl assessed.

Or he was going to die. There was no doubt about that.

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