15| Blood Bond

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The day was heavy with sun, surprisingly hot and humid after such a chilly morning. Khepri was walking ahead, looking straight in front of her and brooding in silence as Jungkook followed. Both of them had clumps of hair glued to their forehead from the heat and were sweating profusely. They didn't look at each other, didn't talk, and only showed moody expressions to the other as they stepped on the small path of dried leaves.

They had been walking for a few hours in an uncomfortable silence, following the path of the sun in the sky to orient themselves.

A river appeared at one point to their right; rather large body of water bubbling with the promise of a waterfall ahead. They both removed their shoes to step in the freezing water and Jungkook watched Khepri take a drink directly with her palms, taking the water to her mouth and letting it spill down her neck.

"Is it safe to drink?" he asked, breaking the silence for the first time in a while.

The girl sent him a lethal glare.

"This is spring water. People put it in bottles to sell it."

She watched Jungkook huff at her, then practically throw himself in the deeper part of the river, soaking his clothes and hair in one swoop, taking large gulps of the clear liquid.

"Or maybe I lied and it's poisonous," Khepri added.

"You wouldn't... You drank it too..."

"I'm immortal," she plainly replied, taking her hoodie off and revealing her tattoos.

Glistening under the sun, the marks were beautiful; dark vines intertwining in intricate polygrams and occult symbols down her arms.

Jungkook , teeth gritted, decided to walk out of the water for good measure and chose to assume she was joking and that the water was indeed, not poisonous. Khepri couldn't prevent a slight smirk from reaching her lips when she watched the lanky form of her companion sheepishly putting his shoes back on and sitting on the riverbank, looking back at her with a look of annoyance as she splashed water on her face.

"Oh please, don't look at me like that, you really aren't that funny!" he cried.

"You really are clueless about everything!" the girl chuckled.

Jungkook sent her a sarcastic smile.

"Not about everything, and you know that."

Khepri almost choked on her tongue. She could practically see the dirty thoughts run in his head. So far, she had done a very good job at keeping the souvenir of their melding bodies far away from her mind, but of course Jungkook just had to remind her.

"Alright, the fun is over, let's go now," she said, walking out of the water.

She usually was so good at judging people's character at first sight, seeing right through them, but Jungkook had deceived her to the highest degree. She had imagined him smart, strong, hard-headed, and decisive but also kind and compassionate. She had been wrong. The guy was a conniving asshole. There was absolutely no way she would have slept with him knowing he was such a bad-tempered, abusive person. She regretted showing him that part of her, but it was too late to take it back now.

Luckily, they would soon reach their final destination and they would never have to deal with each other ever again. She just had to suck it up, not look at him or breathe in his direction, and walk as fast as she could until she would finally get rid of him and have the satisfaction of seeing his stupid back and his stupid hair walk away to never return.

They hiked some more into the forest until the shadows started growing taller and the air cooder. Khepri's feet were getting heavy but she didn't want to show any sign of weakness to Jungkook, keeping the pace despite her shaky legs.

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