10| War Gods

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The sky was gently turning to cobalt, its white stringy clouds taking hues of lavender as the shadows started invading the streets. A few stray cats watched attentively as Khepri passed by, the almost full moon reflecting into their marble eyes. It was now dinner time and the smell of grilled meat and steamed vegetables accompanied her way towards the square in front of the hotel.

The place was completely deserted now, and she didn't wait long before quickly pushing the glass doors to get inside. She dug into her pocket for her key, deciding on taking the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.

She slipped inside her room a few minutes later, walking to her bedroom and unsurprised to find it eerily empty.

This was the setting she had seen Jungkook last: lying on the wooden floor and looking at the blood seeping out of his fresh wound like he couldn't believe he was hurt yet again, this time by his own doing. The skin-peeler had left a perfect round of inflamed flesh on his side, a few millimetres deep and oozing with precious life fluid. The puddle of red resulting from his injury was still there on the wooden floor; a tiger flower expending its deformed petals, the liquid curdling now that it had been there for a while.

The red stain had become the relic of the boy's fleeting presence at Khepri's side, a reminder that the events of the night before really had happened and weren't another one of her feverish drug-induced dreams.

He had barely patched-up the lesion with some gauze and had left, mumbling a "goodbye" before running out the door, his eyes trained on the ground like he couldn't even endure staring in the green of her irises for another second. The injury was still bleeding, and he was holding his side with a cramped hand above his shirt, clearly in pain but reluctant to stay and really take care of it properly.

Khepri hadn't said anything, watching his back as he had walked away.

He was probably half-way across the country by now.

Looking around, the witch assessed the level of chaos in her bedroom. She sighed at the sight, knowing it would take her all evening to pack and clean out the bloody mess on the floor. However, she was resolute and quickly put herself to work, filling her travel bag with the miscellaneous items covering the ground.

When she finally checked out of the hotel, a few hours later, she was rather tipsy, this time having swallowed large quantities of tequila. She was also burdened by her bags, as well as the sword and bow on her back, difficultly dragging her luggage in the lobby.

Her destination was the train station, just across the square, where she would buy a ticket to get to Incheon. She hadn't been there in a decade and didn't intend to stay for long. Going through large cities was precisely against her strategy to lay low, as a lot of witches and other non-recommendable people were concentrated around urban areas. However she didn't really have a choice, because she needed a very good library with a large collection of archives to research the sword she had just found.

It seemed like the weapon had become her main priority and knowing more about it was preoccupying her mind more than she intended. She was ready to risk herself just for a little bit in a metropolis if that meant she could finally understand properly the history behind it.

The place in front of the hotel was still completely deserted when she walked outside. The sun had set only minutes prior and the entirety of the scenery was blue and grey, darkness stretching indefinitely as the girl stepped on the fresh asphalt and walked across the square, going straight across to the train station.

The witch stumbled a little bit as a result of her inebriation, feeling rather stuffy under her cape, her bulky bag uncomfortably hitting her thigh at every stride. The air was heavy with electricity, like a storm was coming, and for some unknown reason Khepri felt rather on edge, the complete silent of her environment despite the early night appearing almost too convenient to be true.

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