3| Hunted

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There had been a time in Khepri's life when she had been good. She could see the kindness in people before she saw anything else and undoubtedly thought they deserved her trust until proven otherwise.

But things change.

She grew up and realized human nature was rather disappointing. She had been naive for thinking compassion would ever rule over hatred. Her life had taken a bitter taste after this recognition, and her friendly nature took a hit, defiance and spite overruling her essence. Add to that a dark sense of humour and a big chunk of self-assurance hidden under a wall of apathy, and you got Khepri. Loveable girl-next-door transformed into an easily hateful bitch.

When she stood over Jungkook for the first time, all she saw was a tragic pushover bleeding over the asphalt, and her only emotion was pity with maybe a tinge of annoyance. With a certain look of disdain, she assessed him from head-to-toe, her eyes grazing over his wounded leg and bloody temple, the red staining his army shirt and cargo pants. He didn't look so good; ghostly face covered in sweat and dark wide eyes blinking feebly towards her like he was on the verge of passing-out.

Which he probably was.

The boy looked properly miserable, covered in blood with his ass on the pavement and his shocked expression, trying to back away from her until she put one booted leg down on his ankle, trapping him in her claws.

If he had been human, the extent of his injuries would have killed him a long time ago.

Maybe it would have been better for him that way. He wouldn't have had to deal with her then. People usually regretted finding themselves in her way.

Holding the sword against his throat with one hand, she sighed, her other fist clasping her hip.

"What's your name?"

Jungkook smirked, turning his head sideways like he couldn't believe what was happening to him. It seemed like despite the girl's interruption, which recalled some kind of divine apparition; she wasn't there to save him after all, but to finish the hunter's mission.

His fate really was unsatisfactory.

"I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you," he muttered between gritted teeth.

His dark eyes were challenging, all soft edges and thick eyelashes, ivory skin reflecting the red moonlight. There was something strong about him despite his weak position, a vitality apparent in the way he clenched his fists, body tensing like a bow string regardless of his injuries.

Khepri shook her head. What a waste.

"Not the name your parents gave you," the girl groaned, "You know very well what I mean! I know you're a witch, or this," she said, twirling the sword in her hand, "wouldn't have hurt you."

"You can suck my dick."

Khepri smirked, kneeling beside him to be at his height and pointing once again the tip of the blade to his throat. Jungkook imperceptibly scrunched his nose when the strong smell of bad alcohol fanned over him.

"Listen to me!" she groaned, "I won't hesitate to kill you in the next seconds if you don't tell me on which side you are! I haven't slept in four days and my patience is wearing thin! I'm asking for the last time, what's your name, what are your allegiances, and who is your coven leader?"

Jungkook pressed his lips together, letting out a grunt of pain when he shifted his weight on his arms to back away from her. The injuries left by the sword were burning like the metal was still sizzling against his flesh, burning hot iron ripping him apart from the inside. Behind his brave front, he was pretty much panicking right now.

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