Chapter 6-

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I wake to the feeling of a hand on my thigh and one on my shoulder shaking me. I let out a groan" Shh, it's ok" I hear a whisper. I slowly open my eyes and i see him above me. I jerk myself away causing pain that radiates all over my body. My eyes widen in panic and my breathing becomes heavy as i look at him. His face smeared in blood as he holds me down. 

"She's not here" he says which i barely hear as i begin to fall into a panic attack. "I'm not going to hurt you". 

I stare at him unable to speak a word or move my body. My teeth clench harder and harder together and in my mind i still scream from the knife being cut against my healed scars. The burning sensations as it glided against me as the flash backs struck in me. Reliving the past, they planned to torture me again. "What's your name?" 

I stay in shock for a few moments longer until he splashes ice cold water into my face. I snap back into reality and i take deep breaths in and out "What is your name?" He repeats to me. 

"Ainsley" I answer him weakly and groggy from the pain of having being strangled several times over the remainder of three days. 

"Your full name?" He demands from me and i screw up my face at him. What could make him possibly want to know my name so badly... because he knows. 

I lick my dry lips and open my mouth, i attempt to speak but the words don't come out. I swallow hard which hurt every time "Ainsley... An" i take a breath in as it becomes harder "Andela" i force out. Tears form in my eyes as i look at him "Par" 

"Parrino?" He interrupts me and i nod my head up and down as the tears come out of my eyes and fall down my face. He lifts his hand and places it on the side of my head "I found you". He turns to look at Ricki who nods his head, he himself looks at me with relief. 

I look at him in confusion what dos he mean i found you. When will he realise i am not the girl he is looking for. I go to open my mouth when he says "Don't speak". As the words come from his lips we hear a car pull up outside and loud voices like an argument. He looks at me with apologetic eyes "I'm sorry"

I shake my head hard and fast knowing what is to come. He picks up the knife from the ground and raises it to my chest. He places the tip of the blade between my collar bones and applies pressure down. I let out screams as the pain becomes excruciating as he cuts me further down the chest. 

The front door swings open and Mother hurls her body in "The cops" she shouts towards us. Reaper stops what he is doing and looks up at her with concern "The cops are coming, a hiker was passing by and hear d her screams" She races towards all of her belongings and grabs a hold of them before racing towards the back door. 

Reapers drops the blade beside me and i watch as him and The business man chase after her. I scream and sob on the ground as the faintness becomes stronger. My eye sight becomes extremely blurry and the room spins around me. I turn my head to the left and watch the silhouettes of their bodies running away leaving me to die. My eye lids drop on my eyes as the skin on the side of my face and neck touches the blood around me. 

My eyes close and i'm brought back to a darkness. I screw my face up and let out a groan as i see myself walking through the streets of Santa Monica. 

I make my way home from Boarding School, i turn the corner of 54th when a black van pulls up in front of me. I look around and pull out my phone to make it look as if i had received a call "Hello" i greet the person on the phone wishing for the first time in my life that i had a weapon on me. "Yes Mother, I'm on my way home" i continue to walk on but as i pass the van,  a large amount of anxiety rises inside of me. I manage to get past the van safely when i'm pulled back and thrown into it via the back doors. I tried to kick and scream to gain the attention of anyone who could be near. My phone slipped from my hand as i was thrown in the van. I crawl to the back of the doors and use all the strength in me to open up the door and smash the windows open but it was like they were bolted. I couldn't escape... 

I used my fists to slam on the doors of the van and scream my lungs out until my voice hurts. I cry and sob as i scream trying to get away. "She's full of purity, she's ideal for you" the woman trails on but just with the first word "She's" i knew it was Mother speaking. This was my claiming and i had no way to escape the inevitable. 

While trying to force my way out i feel a sharp needle insert into my neck then a draining of liquid rush through my body. I turn and see this masked figure dressed in black. Their eyes dark like there was no happiness, and i lost control of my body. My limbs dropping to the bottom of the ban like an anchor in the sea pulling me down. That's when he removed his mask, his hair slicked back, not a single strand of hair lose on his head. Not one crinkle on his suit, of course instantly i recognised him. He'd been in The Church many times discussing very important manors with Mother and Father Francis. 

I've always heard stories about women being claimed and turned into a submissive for their dominating partner. How they are silenced and controlled through out their life. Forced to breed their child and have it ripped from their arms so there can be no act of defiance. The Organisation know very well a mother will never allow her child to be harmed and it's in their will to do everything they can to be sure of it. My mind coming in and out of it, i open my eyes to see blood dripping on a knife as it scalped its way through my skin. 

I let out a roar and i'm shuddered awake by a force. My eyes re-open to a dark coat in front of me, Kneeling down this face unmasked as they place their hand on the side of my face. "You're okay. I hear slightly and i screw up my face disorientated. I clench my eyes shut and open them again, my eyes roaming the room the blurriness making it hard for me to see. I fee, a pressure come away from my wrists from behind me. 

I had movement... could this be a dream. But with every movement a sharp pain rushed through me. I'm rolled onto my back and i see a crowd gather around me but i can't make out what's going on. These people don't look like my brothers and sisters. 

My mouth opens to speak but i'm too tired to say anything, to sore to speak. My screams still playing in my mind never ending. Tormented, broken, I shatter from the inside. For once i just want to sleep and i willingly close my eyes. 

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