Chapter 13-

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I keep my eyes on my grandpa as he sits on the hard blue seat in my room. Detectives Kneis and Presten stand just off from him, the pair looking on edge as if they expect him to run. I glare at him making my opinion and displeasure known to them. 

"Ainsley if you really have something to say then say it or we are taking your grand-father away" Detective Presten instructs me, i can see from the look on his face he is on edge. As if he is waiting for something bad to happen. 

I scowl at him and thrown my notepad down on the bed close to them. I'm not stupid i know they are doing their job but to take him away from me. The only family i have known who hasn't left me. 

Detective Kneis picks up the notepad and reads "I'll go with my biological family and I'll offer my help in the capture of my Mother if you let my Grandpa go but the Navy cannot go after him. I'll do everything you want but if you don't then i'm going back to my Mother where unspeakable thing will happen. I will end up going down the same path as my grandpa and you won't see or hear from me again nor will my family because i can guarantee you i won't get caught. It's him or me" He passes the notebook over to Presten to allow him the chance to see what it says. 

"Ainsley, What ever you are doing stop" My grandpa speaks up to me and i shake my head no. "I'll give her up for you. I'll tell them everything!" I write on the board to him. I'm not going to give up on him like everyone else has. He is the only family i have got and when you love your family you would do anything for them even if it means putting your life at risk. If i die it would be on their hands for letting me go. 

"I'm going to be honest with you Ainsley, I'm not sure if we can make this happen. Your Grand-father is a dangerous man surely you know that "Detective Presten speaks up to me. 

"He's family" I screech out with a force,I hold my hand up to my neck and gently take a hold of it. Every word hurt, some word were more painful and harsher than others. 

"Your grand-father has killed people, he is a well known murderer and drug dealer. His men have dealings with criminals. They torture people to the point they are begging for life and you want us to spare him?" You must realise how insane that sounds. To let someone as high up a him go would be putting people's lives at risk". 

I close my eyes as he says this and i know it's true but they are also underestimating Mother. They only see her for the kidnapping, they don't see The Organisation or The Midnight Killer. But to speak out on that would to be place myself there. To admit that i have killed countless people. I'm just as dangerous as him, maybe even more. They look at me and see innocence, purity but what they don't see is the blood tainted on my hands from the innocent lives i have taken. "We are just letting you know you should prepare yourself that they won't comply with this. At the end of the day your Grandpa is more of a risk to society than your Mother is" 

Lies again, I screw up my face and write down in anger "He saved me more times than the police ever did." 

Someone by the door lets out a cough to inform us of their presence and i snarl at them. I could feel every emotion building up inside of me and i didn't know wither to cry, scream or sucker punch them. "Ainsley, this is the Naval Crime Agents who will be in charge of your protection. The two male agents enter and i remain in silence. 

"Have we come at a bad time?" The tall one with a dark brown haircut and dark blue suit on questions us. 

I take my notebook in hand and begin to write "I'm sorry and i understand this is your job and you have to protect people and to you, you see a monster. A criminal and want to look him away. I see a man who has loved and raised me through my confusing and lied life. He has never hut me, raised his voice towards me. This man has only ever showed me love and this is the man i am speaking off. This man is no monster. The man he is out of the home i know of. I know of the things he has done and what he does is wrong and he knows it. That person deserves to be locked up but you and i don't know the same person. My grandpa is the only one who protected me in this world, the only one who stood up to her. You guys gave up looking for me, you guys did nothing towards my abuse. You have to at least try to understand my reasons on why i have made such an unusual request. My Mother is out there and she said "She's not done with me yet" and i fear without him, she's going to hurt me. If she managed to kidnap me at the age of five who's saying she can't do it again". I rip out the piece of paper and hand it towards Detective Kneis who is closest to me. He gently takes the paper out of my hand. 

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