Chapter 12-

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The doctors hand gently presses against my neck as he looks at the remaining damage. I take deep breaths in and out as he does this. My body is sat up straight with my legs dangling over the bed. My hands are resting on my lap and for the first time i can see out the window in my room properly. 

"Try again" he instructs me and i open my mouth. I try to get the words out but it was becoming difficult "It's okay just try again."

I blink my eyes and lick my lips "Hi" the words escape slowly and hoarsely from my lips. My voice scratchy as i speak. 

"This is to be expected. We want you to keep trying but don't try too much or you might cause more strain. I'm going to refer you to vocal therapy which could last from four to six weeks to make sure you are getting the right treatment. I'm hoping to get you home tomorrow." Doctor Charlie informs me and i smile at him in relief at his words. The idea of being in my own bed, my own comfort. It may not be perfect there but it is home. 

My body is still weak due to my brain injury and he spoke of slowly increasing activity but avoid contact sports in the future. I need to make sure i get plenty of rest back home. The more i recover i will be introduced to more exercise to improve my strength this include rehabilitative therapy. This will focus on my strength, improve my walking and help return sensation into my body. It was said initial improvements happen within six months but it can take longer. I processed all the information the best i could and received leaflets that explained it all to me and which i could look back on. My dislocated shoulder could take up to twelve to sixteen weeks to recover and that usually ribs take from one to two months to heal so i'm half way through the first month most which was spent in a coma. 

The doctor leaves the room with my grandpa beside him to work on a plan which will help me. The phone in my room begins to ring and with a brace free neck and more control over my body i reach over the best i can and take a hold of the phone. 

"Hi" I force out weakly

"It's Mother... I heard you can't talk so i just want you to listen. I've been out of town and i wanted to let you know i will be back." She greets me over the phone but something seems too calm yet eary about what she said. "I'm not done with the town or you. I'm going to be making an appearance at the hospital you're staying at and breaking you loose. Least i know you've kept your lip and words shut." She quickly hangs up the phone and i screw up my face confused. I should have expected it, that she would come back for me. I should expect that she will aim to finish off the job she started. I put the phone back to where it belong and crawl myself back under the covers. I look at the wall for a few moments thinking of the call, I should be worried about what she said but in my mind all i can think of is going home. 

I rub my hand against my head as i feel more drained than i did yesterday. I slowly close my eyes as i think of our conversation. I toss and turn a i sleep unable to get comfortable as this grey cloud hangs above my head. I fall into a deep sleep and begin to dream. Starting off calm and nice as i sit at the kitchen table with my grandpa. The door of the house opens and a dark figure enters the home, they walk through the halls and stops by the back door. I raise myself up from my seat and follow the dark figure out of the door. 

The room changes, I should be outside but instead i'm somewhere cold. My body laying on something hard below me. I go to reach my hand out in front of me to get myself up but my arms are tied behind me and i can't get up. Breathing behind my ear startles me as i am taunted with a knife as it glides against my skin. Not piercing me, just taunting. "For someone with such a brave fathers as yours, you sure do come off as a coward" her voice echos through me. I shake my head, a coward is that the best she could think of. For an insult that has to be the worst i have heard in a long time "To think my father could love you sickens me."

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