Chapter 22-

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I can feel the Agents eyes burning inside of me, waiting for me to speak so they can ask me what they want to know. I woke up this morning knowing that speaking would be wrong and so far I've avoided speaking a word even as more officers come into the conference room waiting to hear what I have to say. They keep asking "What do you know", "You need to tell us", "what if they kill someone else", "We can help you" Those questions seem absurd to me. An hour long wait passes and I can feel the Captains fury beginning to grow, the room is filled with silence and he stands from his chair. He throws his hands down on the table "Will you talk already. You know things that we don't. You could be the reason someone's life is saved today or you can be the reason they die. Pick one!" His anger was justified, when you have this open case for so long and finally someone comes along who can provide you with the piece of the puzzle you are looking for and they hold out of course it would anger them.

"You have to understand Captain, what I am about to say goes against everything I was taught to believe in. Everything I was taught to fear, I will be exposing myself to the horrifying truth of what I have done. You look at me and see a victim and yes I am one like many of my "Brothers and sisters" who I have left behind to fend for themselves but I am not innocent. I have done things that would terrify you. To admit and speak out on what I know will mean changing the world I live in." I speak up to him then pause "Can you imagine, being stolen by your family at a young age. Being kept alive by these people. Being taught the only way to survive is to follow certain rules, if you dare talk in an unjust manner and defy them it would cost a tongue. If you steal or make a mistake it could cost a finger and if you made a big enough of a mistake a hand. If you dare try tell someone about them or try and escape it costs a life. You learn to do what you must to survive. They never let you leave, no matter what. Your life and blood is bound to them, your simply but a person, a slave in fact. There to do as you are told and no more."

"We know the risks you are taking here but you need to trust in us that we can keep you safe" Agent Alvarez attempts to assure me and I scoff at him.

"You believe you can keep me safe and yet I was stolen from a hospital under your protection. You don't know what these people are like, they will hunt me till the ends of the earth to silence me and the words I claim."

"You keep talking about this Organisation, can you go into it more?" Agent Callihan questions me and I stare at him. My lips kept together as I try and adjust my thoughts. Conflict, so much conflict with in me. I know what will happen to me if I do this but the good part of me knows this is what must be done.

"I was brought in through Angela, She's one of the bosses there. At a young age the children who are stolen are taken to The Home. This is where your missing children come in. The Organisation believes you must be pure or purified to be able to live in this world because it's god's orders. At The Home children at taught the correct way to live and we learn the history of our people. Boys like The Businessman will grow up to be in high power, a leader of some kind. They will eventually wed one of the girls within The Organisation who have the same beliefs. Some like The Businessman will claim girls, they will stalk them most of the time they are within The Organisation so it's easier to keep them. They are thrown into a van, tied down and "claimed".

I stop myself from talking, I can't bear to tell them anymore. "The midnight killer was with him. Every incisions made upon my skin instructed by them. You would think The Midnight killer was trying to kill me but I was being purified, claimed to become a better person. Women are taught to obey these dominant men, only speak when they are ask. Do all that they say, give birth to their children as it's our birthing right. We must do as we are told."

"Can you go more into that ?" Agent Alvarez questions me as every word I say is recorded.

"As we grew we got taught special skills... to kill. After The Home where we witnessed many children die, those seen as not pure enough. Those two weak, too defiant. We are moved onto The Orphan Boarding school which by now you will be aware of. During this time you begin to learn special skills, hunting skills. You are brought to the church where Father Francis sends you on secret missions. This Is The Organisation. A large around the world group of believers in The Organisation and all it stands for. We are trained killers at a young age and commit murders under the name of The Midnight Killer, although there is only one name identified with that." I can see their expressions change, they are sickened.

I sit forward in my chair "You must remember the children, teenagers and young adults are all victims. Those adults to remained and continue to commit the crimes they are no longer victims if they force others to do what has been inflicted on them. You'll find most women are still victims, they have no choice. You will find the scars upon their bodies, around sixty percent have no tongue or voice box. The men are treated far better. I had a daughter at the age of fourteen after I was claimed. He looks and begs for her every day and every day I tell him "she is dead." You can look at me in shame and I deserve it, everything I've ever done I've hated and felt guilt over. I've tried to run away several times, I thought the last one would be successful but here I am before you today. I deserve punishment for the crimes me and my "brothers and sisters" have committed but those of us are alive because we did what we could to survive. You saw what they were willing to do to me, what my "Mother" did to me, twice. What the businessman did to me twice. I shouldn't be alive and yet I am and they claim I have been purified but I do not feel pure. I had blood dried on my hands and I can never escape that. I have spent every day getting beaten and tortured in different ways and I'm still standing someone. They had The Reaper, their organised killer who disposed of anybody without a trace and I survived. You could think I could have tried better to leave, but those who escaped, what became of them? Most of them didn't make it past the fence, most died within the first year out of suicide or murder and eighty percent of them spend the rest of their lives running in fear. There is no escaping The Organisation."

The Agents look to another and I can feel their shock. They need a moment to digest what information I have told them. "The Organisation has many bosses. Nero is the highest in our country, he travels and meets the highest bosses of the other countries. Under him you have his second in command and about over fifty different bosses depending on where you're stationed. You may think Angela, is the worst criminal you will come across but you are wrong. You underestimate the amount of people who appear "Normal" but deep inside are sadistic, take pleasure in people's pain, deaths and kidnapping."

"I suggest you do not underestimate their power, to take them out would mean an extravagant amount of force, work and even then The Organisation will still exist around the world and here it will disappear underground as they work out their new plans.

"We are going to need a lot more information. I'm amazed and horrified at the crimes you have spoken of and for them to be right under our noses. I think it's very clear you are a victim of a very unique crime and I want to do and provide all the help I can to you and your brothers and sister. It will take time and effort to prove this in court but I believe if you all tell your story to the world we can lock them away" The Captain begins to share his opinion with me and I can't help but get worried by the idea.

Although it was a slow beginning they allowed me a long break, to heal. My mind started going, started feeling conflicted. Resisting, I had to push out words while keeping other words inside of me. But even in my condition , they allowed me to see him for the first time since they separated us.

I run into the round and bound my arms around his body. "I'm so glad you're okay. I'm going to do everything I can to protect you" He attempts to assure me with no avail. Now it was my turn.

I pull myself away from him and allow the guilt to be show in my eyes. "No, I made a deal. It's my turn to protect you".

I sit down beside him and he takes a hold of my hand "What do you mean?" The expression of concern in his voice and face was genuine. I let out a small smile "I'm sorry, it was the only thing I could do. I had to tell them about her, about what she did" I begin to explain and I feel guilt for it, for betraying my family and the truth is I can't help but still feel protective over them after all this time, After all they have done to hurt me.

"I'm not angry with you. I wanted you out of this life" He responds to me and I don't know how I should feel about it. This is his life so why would he want me out of it.

"I confessed my crimes, I offered to go to jail but they hope my testimony against The Midnight killer and The Organisation and the help I have provided including the state of my mental health the jury will be forgiving of my crime and of the innocent brothers and sisters who did it out of force. I'm sorry I didn't want to betray them but I had to protect you no matter the cost" I apologise to him profusely, I had made my bed and now it was time to lay in it, no matter the consequences.

"You are a good kid Ainsley, never let anyone tell you otherwise. I should have done what you're doing a long time ago but as you know you never get out and if you do it's in a body bag" I know his words were meant to be encouraging but they only haunt me that much more than what my thoughts had already. I know I will face death soon enough but will it be his time to take me. 

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