Chapter 21-

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They're going to come back for me. They will soon know where I am located and The Boss is no longer with me and they will come to me. The Businessman will take his claim against me and he will force me to move away, to hide away for longer. He will punish me for being disobedient to him. They took The Boss away and I presume they are holding him captive until they hear what happened. Will they believe what I say or will they look in disbelief. If I tell the truth I will be disobeying the rules of The Organisation. Do I go against the beliefs I have grown up with or potentially put him back in prison and lie. How do I chose between the two things that have moulded my life.

The door of the emergency room I'm in opens , when I spot the male feet I hold my head down. I know my place in this world, I will be silenced until otherwise told. "It's nice to see you're still alive" The agents voice sounds familiar to me, I would be correct because I had heard it so often before. But I cannot look up at them, if I look at them they will see the guilt on my face. They will know I have done something wrong, soon they will work out that I killed people. They won't look at me the same again after that, my freedom will be completely gone. I would deserve it too after all I have done. "We tried looking for you, We tried looking for you at the school but you disappeared. In fact, it was like you never existed, everyone thought you were dead" Agent Alvarez speaks up to me as if the sweetness in his voice was trying to remind me that someone was fighting for me. I keep my eyes deeply peeled on the ground rejecting the urge to look at them and say the words I wish.

"It would appear we are back to square one" Agent Callihan whispers to his partner as if I can't hear the words he speaks. I may have been taught not to speak unless told too but it didn't mean I didn't use that time to upgrade my hearing. "Ainsley, you can trust us. We are not here to hurt you, we want to help you" I clench my nails into my hands, was it in fear or was it in anger. The internal conflict inside of me like a battlefield, one side I know I need to run to them and beg for their help and forgiveness but the other hand I feel angry that they could be so disrespectful of my family. A gentle set of feet walk into the room and instantly I recognise the shoes "Her files has been updated which I'm sure you both will take great care into looking at. Right this minute her body is looking clear of any open wounds or broken bones. At the moment she is in good health."

I lift my head and look her way "Thank you miss" The words easily escape my mouth. I know the Agents will take a long read of my medical records, see what new injuries have been added. Of course, we avoided all the hospitals and did our underground doctors but it was clear to her through x-rays and examinations when injuries took place and I would be a fool to lie about it. You can't go a year with your dominant without doing one single thing wrong. "You are free to leave." She walks out the room and I lower my head to look at my hands as I play with my fingers. I could feel the sweat building up inside of the palms, I know I did not have permission but I must go home.

I jump off the bed and lift my head to look at the agents "It was good to see you both, you look so well. But I must be getting home now, my family will be worried about me" I close the curtain and begin to put the hospital provided clothes onto my body. How it ached in sadness, it's like it knew I was making the wrong decision. I open the curtain to see them both stood waiting for me "I'm afraid we can't allow you to leave. We need to take you down to the station and have a little talk with you." Agent Callihan informs me and it's the one thing I wished I didn't hear.

"I am fine" I look at them both but it felt so monotone to say and I think they noticed it too. A fake mask presented on my face to hide the years of abuse and pain "Do you really have to take me? I wish to go home"

"Yes Ainsley, we need you to answer some questions for us" Agent Alvarez informs me and again it was like a bullet hitting my chest, I know I cannot go. It would be wrong to do so but I have no choice. Perhaps if I just let them know what they want to hear they will let me go. "We will let you see your grand-father" A bell chimes in me, how I couldn't dare abandon him again. I can't allow him to go back to jail for me... for them but how will I be able to justify what I must do to get there. I nod my head in agreement, I take a deep breath in I will face the punishment for my crimes. A tongue, a hand, or a life , I cannot abandon him.

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