Part 4

107 5 14

Oikawa pov:

I just want to be loved


I pondered this thought in the back of my head as I knew resistance against the chains would cause him more pain and false hope, oikawa knew no one would love him for who he is. He knew people only knew half of him, the pretty flirty side. The one everyone liked and the only reason he was popular.

He glanced at the light one more time before being dragged underwater. It's was short and quick

Until his eyes shot open

He had woken up to the sound of his alarm. He shut it off and got ready for practice, putting on light clothing as it  was warm out today (this takes place like in the warm September times so half fall half summer ig)

He journeyed his way to the gym and he was greeted by two people who knew very well

Mattsun and makki


Mattsun shot his head to look at me and he joined in on the yelling

"BRO! I HAVE TO SHOW YOU THIS GUY HOLD ON!" Makki jolted you and ran toward his bag, pulling out his phone.

"I swear if it's another stupid TikTok I SWEAR-"

"NO NO NO now just LOOK at this guys insta" he searched up a name that I seemed to recognize

When I was shown the posts I knew who it was

"Iwa-Chan" I mumbled quietly


Mattsun sprinted over and towered over both of us looking down at the phone.

"OOoooOoO y'all met before!?"



"MAKKI SHHHHH, and no we did not!"

"Aye mattsun think he's capping?"

"Totally dude, cant trust a pillow princess"

"IM NOTTTT" I yelled blush forming on my cheeks

"But what about meeeeee can you not trust me 🥺"

"Your the only pillow princess I can trust no cap"

"Ew go flirt somewhere else" I said fake gagging

"Not our fault your single" makki shrugged

"Hey I CHOSE to be single thank you very much" I said pretending to flip my hair

We all laughed

"So about this 'iwa-chan' you've met him before?"

"Yeah I did, some kid was mad about me being superior to his looks and iwa-Chan helped me out" I blatantly lied, leaving out the part where I was beaten to a pulp and had to go to iwa-Chan's house

"Sick dude now bro y'all gon meet again or what" mattsun asked with this dumb smug look on his face

"Yes IN FACT we do plan on playing volleyball together on Saturday" I had a smug look to match with mattsun

"ANYWAY let's get to practiiiiiiiice!!!"
Makki yelled right in my ear, he may be the shortest of ya three but he's definitely the loudest

Skip to after practice

I got changed and started to head to class, opening my locker there were a handful of love letters, I pretended to be surprised dispite having seen this every day

I heard some girls squeal in excitement as I put the notes in my bag planning on throwing them out.

I knew these girls only liked me for my looks and I knew they would leave me if they knew the real me

So I headed to class still thinking about iwa-Chan because I couldn't seem to get him off my mind lately.

Classes ended and I headed to the club room for lunch, I've had lunch there with mattsun and makki because it's the only place I can hide from the girls here.

I tried changing my lunch place but no matter what the girls would find me, so I've decided to lock myself in the club room with my close friends during lunch.

"Oikawa my man, I'm gon need you to SPILL on this hajime guy"

Makki wiggled his eyebrows at me and I gulped

"Uhhh hes a nice guy, he pretty too. He helped me out and invited me to his house. We plan on meeting on Saturday to play some volleyball because you'll never guess. HES A SPIKER!!!! AND IM A SETTER ITS PERFECT!"

I bounced in joy as makki and mattsun giggled in front of me

"So you say he's cute aye?" Mattsun looked at me

"Would ya date em'?"

"Uhhhh..." I looked away with a small blush

"I mean maybe?" I nervously said while makki and mattsun looked at each other with this evil look in their eyes

"Please don't do anything stupid" I sigh


Heyyy guys! New chapter for today featuring the meme team! Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter I actually figured out what I'm going to do with this!

Anyway please point out typing mistakes it helps me a lot

My birthdays coming up whoooo! August 8th same as Yaku!!!! We're both short Kings

Anyway have a good one!

-rat 🐀

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