Part 9

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"What are they about?"

Oikawa whipped his head to gaze at iwaizumi who had a genuine look of concern plastered on his face

"Are they that bad?" Iwaizumi grabber oikawas hand and held it, feeling how cold it was

"They're confusing, to day the least"

"You wanna tell em what they're about, it's fine if not I'm just curious"

"Well, I'm in the dark. Alone. And these chains form on my ankles and pull me to the ground. They tighten when I move, But there's always this glowing hedgehog or something but every time I get near it I'm pulled under so I don't know exactly what it's supposed to mean"

Oikawa started shaking as he remembered the feeling

"That sounds awful man, next time, if there is, wanna be in my room. So I can get to you easier." Iwaizumi suggested

"That would be great! Now iwa-Chan let's eat some food!" Oikawa hopped off the couch and into the kitchen followed by a relived iwaizumi

Saturday had come and they both got ready to head to the gym, packing some water and their shorts they set off

Oikawa blabbering about the latest tea or how tired he is of makki and mattsun ms flirting iwaizumi listened and commented here and there

They finally reached the gym and walked in, being greeted by an old lady at the front desk.

"Oh hello hajime how are you" she sounded excited as an old lady could be

"I'm great hope you are too" iwaizumi smiles brightly

"Who's this handsome young man with you?" She smiled at me

"I'm oikawa, oikawa tooru, nice to meet you miss!"

"Nice to meet you too, hajime knows where to go, it should be unlocked" the lady motioned to a door

"Thank you miss!" I cheered and walked by iwaizumi

He opened the door and there was the gym with the net set up for us

"Damn iwa-Chan what are you? Royalty?" I laughed

"The lady you just saw was my neighbor when I was younger, before I moved out of course" he smiled

"Awwwww that's cute" I leaned toward him playfully

"Anyway LETS GET TO PRACTICE!" I bounced to the ball cart


Aaaaaaaaa sorry for this short chapter I will update a longer one Tm

Anyway that's it! Bye bye
-rat 🐀

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