Part 20

60 4 36

Tw: rape (it is mentioned), homophobia and self harm (and thoughts of it) short summary will be at the end for those who are triggered by it


Making his way back home he heard some laughter in an alleyway

Curiosity got the best of him and he looked back and saw him

The guy from that day

The guy who....

Hurt him

Oikawa froze, breathing quickened. His mind screamed at him to run but his legs dared move an inch

"Oh hey look! It the little fag!"

Laughter erupted and they approached him, towering over oikawas timid body

"What are you doing out this late, you a hooker now? If so I'd like to pay for some services" a wide grin was plastered on his face

"U-uhm I -I was just making m-my way h-home" Oikawa barely managed to get those few words out

"Tell whoever is waiting there that you'll be a bit late" there were three of them.

The alley was dark

And silent

Oikawas ribs hurt from the impact of their fists when he didn't cooperate

His body stung everywhere

This felt like death

He felt cold and he was broken

On the outside and on the inside, His eyes clouded with tears


Oikawa barely managed to look up


His name was called again, by someone he knew very well

He recognized the voice, no... the voices


That was makki and oikawa knew that for sure

Oikawa knew that was mattsun, given mattsun a trade mark 'oi'

"Tooru, please... where are you"

That was iwaizumi, he knew, he was  100% sure

"H-here... I'm... h-here" Oikawa whimpered just barely audible

Beginning to try and move his way out of the alley he kept calling to them but he wasn't heard.

Oikawa checked his phone in his pocket and it was there. Pulling it out he dialed the one person he knew would pick up

'Calling iwa-Chan 💖🦔'

Immediately the phone was wandered and oikawa was met with a sound that could break his ear drums


Oikawa began to cry

"********** in the alley... please... help me" Oikawa cried quietly into the phone

When iwaizumi found him he was passed out on the cold ground laying on his stomach, shirt ripped and pants barely covering his ass, shoes weren't anywhere to be seen and one sock was on his foot

Blood spattered on the ground and along the walls

Oikawas hair was messed up and he had a black eye

Iwaizumis breath hitched as he saw Oikawa there, helpless

Iwaizumi felt he could have done something... something to protect him

But he couldn't protect him... just like he couldn't protect his family

Only if he told them not to go on that trip

If he had told Oikawa he'd pick him up

If he told them to not get on that boat

If he had asked oikawa to wait for hi

Then maybe





Iwaizumi picked Oikawa up and called makki to let them know Oikawa had been found

With a sigh of relief the other thanked iwaizumi and hung up the phone

Walking back to the others house iwaizumi looked down at oikawa

He was still out cold and looked like a total mess

And the inly thing iwaizumi thought was

"This is my fault"

Upon arriving to oikawas shome iwaizumi showered and cleaned up Oikawa Setting him on his bed to sleep

Walking into his bathroom he opened the door and looked through the draws, but had stared at the blade when he saw it

Iwaizumi was looking for disinfectant wipes but his hand reached for the blade. Unconsciously he put the blade to his wrist and slit it

Blood began slowly pooling out of the cut

Soon before iwaizumi can react the door burst open, turning to see who it was it was a very weak Oikawa

Hanging on the door Oikawa looked at the others wrist and began to cry

Slowly running to iwaizumi he wrapped his hands around the others waist

"W-why.... you shouldn't... you shouldn't be doing this to yourself iwa-Chan..."

Frozen iwazumi began to cry quietly

Hearing the pain Oikawa had in his voice proved that he cared. Oikawa cares about him... cared so much as to cry over him

Something iwaizumi hadn't felt in a long time


Oikawa was walking home from the beach, where he was. When he heard laughing in an alley, he looked and saw the same guy who ***** him. To frozen to move the same incident happens again except there were three people. Oikawa was left half naked while iwaizumi and makki/mattsun looked for him as he was nowhere to be found. Calling for help Oikawa passed out again and iwaizumi had found him. Taking him home and remembering the incident with his own family. Thinking if he had said something none of this would have happened. When looking for some things to tend to oikawas wounds he found a bl*de and starts to unconsciously harming himself. Oikawa gets up to see where iwaizumi is and finds him hurting himself. Oikawa cried then iwaizumi started crying because he knew Oikawa truly cares for him.

Hello little rugrats hope you enjoyed this chapter

I probs fucked up some spelling as it is 12am so if you can point it out Thad be great

But yeah Uhhhh this was a very depressing chapter sorry 😃

The next one will be somewhat better guys don't worry

Yeah uhhh idk what to say have a good night 🤠👍

-rat 🐀

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