Dizzy Izzy Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

BRRIINNGG!!!! My alarm clock went off as usual. 7:00, I hate Tuesdays. I remembered the night before, and my conversation with Ian, I looked at the phone, apparently he hung up after I fell asleep, we had been  talking for 3 hours. I felt so embarrassed, falling asleep like that! I hope he wasn’t offended or anything. No, he gets me, and he wouldn’t he hurt so easily either. I checked the phoned again, which said we had one new message. I played it. I heard Ian’s sweet, Cello voice say “Goodnight, Dizz.”

 I love Tuesdays!


I got dressed and called April over early so she could do my makeup and we could catch the bus together.

“What’s the occasion?” She asked, the bus was rattling along, 40 miles an hour. We had half an hour until the bus would shutter to a halt at the school gates, so she wanted to find out about my need for makeup.

“I’ll tell you later!” I probably sounded smug, but April, though she was a great friend, sucked at keeping secrets, I thought it best to leave her in the dark for now.

So we started chatting about the newest Simpsons episode, clothes, Dane cook, cute guys etc. Then she started talking about the coke fight, apparently Mitch got the most of the punishment, Mr Frowler has it in for him. Then April got out her cell, (again I was jealous, stupid cliffs!) and showed me a picture of Ian and Mitch shaking the coke of their shirts. Maddie was right, Mitch has abs! But Ian was soo cool with his shark pendant and tanned skin. Like me he does swimming squads often, we learned together, but only became friends this year. I’ve known him forever, and the chlorine from the pool and sunlight made our hair the same colour over time.

“You’re blushing again, Dizzy!” April interrupted my train of thought, “Don’t tell me, you have a crush on Mitch!” I barely had time to deny before Julia got on the bus, and she wanted the info about my embarrassment.

“Dizzy is in love with Mitch!” April yelled, every single passenger turned, and looked at me judgingly. “Could you say that again, April, a little louder? I think some people in Indonesia missed that.” I snapped. “And I don’t even like Mitch, let alone love him!” I didn’t notice Mitch and Ian get on the bus. Mitch had me in his arms, I didn’t even know until he whispered in my ear “Love me, huh? I see you have fallen for my charms at last.”

He was half joking, does that mean he is half serious? I pushed him off me, and went to hold onto a different handrail. Which happened to be the one Ian was using, our hands brushed each other, my heart missed a beat, and I remembered his message from last night. We both reddened. Time slowed down, one second felt like an hour. Then Mitch knocked my back, and I lost my balance just as the bus hit a speed bump, I had nothing to hold onto, I fell on top of something warm. My vision became focused, and I realised that I had landed on Ian. His arm were wrapped around my waist, our faces a centimetre away from one-another, I could feel his warm breath. I couldn’t look away, and neither could he.

Something grabbed me and raised me to my feet that perverted something then pulled me onto his lap next to April and said, “Just how long were you planning on staying like that, Isobel?” Ian stood up, staggering, trying to grasp reality. We became fully conscious at the same moment, it seems. He saw me, sitting on Mitch’s lap, he realised before me, then I woke up from the trance, I slapped Mitch, sprung up and ran behind Ian. Mitch was stunned. He was cradling his red cheek staring at me intently. Ian understood my shock, and took my hand in his. The bus halted at the gates, we got off together, and ran to our group’s spot.


We got to the tree, coke cans were still scattered everywhere. I let go of Ian’s Hand and started cleaning up yesterdays mess. The tree would probably get poisoned by the aluminium or something.

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