Dizzy Izzy Chapter 12 - Final Chapter

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Chapter 12,

Two weeks passed, waiting for Ian to call me. His cell was disconnected and I wasn’t told an address or phone number, even Mitch new nothing. Everyone in the group tried to move on, but it felt weird without Ian there to make witty anecdotes about teachers. I was a lot less confused about love now, since it felt like Ian was fading from everyone’s memories. I was sad for sure, but I felt like I could be with Mitch more honestly.

Me and Mitch started getting closer, the others in the group joked about how we always loved each other, and that Ian was just an obstacle, and sometimes I agreed with that thought too. We became an unofficial couple, we went out together, but never on a labelled “date” and we hadn’t kissed since Ian left. We were going slow; we wanted to start over, having the year before as nothing but distant memories. He became less of a man whore and more of an ideal boyfriend.

When Mitch finally did asked me on a date, and we went and saw a rerun of Saw 3 at an old theatre. Our dates together started off playfully, like going to Time Zone and getting coffee, but when we got more serious, we started going on more expensive outings, we went to high class restaurants, Lunar Park, The Easter Show and even a Bliss n Eso Concert.

We were so high that night, no drugs, just adrenaline. Jumping and singing along for ages, they (Bliss n Eso) were brilliant, and we were up at the very front, and I swear the drummer blew me a kiss in between songs. When it was over, Mitch shouted a couple of cokes, it had become a bit of a habit on our dates, when it was nearly over we’d have a coke and take turns paying for them.

So we sat for a while, talking and sipping outside the Acer Arena, playfully arguing over which was better “Addicted” or “Family Affair”. It started getting colder, and the taxi we had called wouldn’t be there for half an hour, so we sat closer together, trying to keep warm. “Hey, Dizz?” he said, only focussed on me. “Yeah?” I replied. He struggled to find the words but he couldn’t, so he said the most clichéd thing a teenage girl as ever heard. “I love you, will you be my girlfriend?” I laughed, he was insulted, but I assured him “You already know the answer, Mitch. I love you too, yes.” And I kissed him.

Eventually the taxi came, it would take an hour to get back to Hornsby, and I was so tired. I fell asleep on Mitch’s shoulder. I didn’t wake until next morning, it was a Sunday and he had apparently carried me into the house and paid the cab fare. I looked over at my desk, and saw a small green box with white ribbon. I opened it and inside was a Bliss n Eso badge and a gold Opal ring, my birth stone. A little tag was next to the box and his messy but romantic writing was on it. I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

This ring symbolises that you are mine, and I am yours. And that badge symbolises pure awesomeness.

-Mitch x

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