Chapter 1 The Assemble (FanFiction)

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*Make sure to check out the character introduction!!*


After a short vacation, commander Morell of S.H.I.E.L.D. received a phone call.

"Agent Morell, we need you to come back, " this voice is so familiar and warm. Who can it be?

 Morell stopped for a moment, replied with a smile he can't see, "director Coulson, it's been a long time isn't it? Hope is not something really bad." 

"Well, it is," every time Coulson speak to her in this tone, it must be something bad. She took a deep breath, and start heading to the base.

"Welcome back, Commander Morell." 

Morell rolled her eyes, but also smiled, "ugh Bobbi, don't be like that."

"What? The great commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. Lorina Morell is backed, it's normal that I feel exciting."

This is it, the man who called her back. "Welcome back, Lori." 

She took the file in Coulson's hand and said, "thank you sir, it's just... too good to be here." Lorina does not always express her feeling unless is someone close or she really feels good about it. She really felt splendid to be back here. So, what is happening?

6 hours ago, a dead body are founded in a hotel in Ohio. After that, the body is confirmed one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, agent Daniel Miller. Daniel was the old partner of Lorina, but he retired long ago.

"This is strange."


"Remember Agent Sousa?"

"Daniel Sousa? Former chief of the S.S.R?"

"No, but close, his grandson. Agent Darren Sousa," Darren Sousa is the best friend of Daniel, Lorina gave them a name the 'King Blue'. This is stupid, right?

"I think we should get Darren back, sir, " Lorina is panicking.

Coulson ask, "what happened?"

"Darren and I have been talking about the case 73 years ago. The history is lying to us sir, Daniel Sousa was not the only S.S.R Chief. People do not know this because the file of him is level 10 classified. I know this because Darren talk this to me recently, his grandpa old partner, Jack Thompson is the Chief of the New York S.S.R, Daniel Sousa is the chief of L.A office S.S.R. Sir, I think you should check. Don't you think this two is mystery linked? And look at the picture, the blood is purple, I remember the last time Darren talk this to me he did mention Thompson's blood was also purple!" 

Coulson is shocked, but he immediately gave out orders, "Lori, we need to assemble everyone. I need you to call back Daisy and Darren."

Lorina take out her phone and scroll down the contact page to call Darren.

"Darren, something bad."

"What? You're dying?"

Darren can always make Lorina smile, even Darren know she is serious, and they are in intense situation. Maybe it is his superpower.

"Daniel is dead."


"Can you come? You don't have to rush, anytime you can."

"No, I'm coming now."

What could go wrong in a nice weekend in Virginia? Oops, why is the floor shaking? Is that an earthquake? What is happening?

"No, no, no please don't, I have nothing to do with this man, please... "

"I don't believe it," after Daisy discovered her power, she started to be the hero she thought she should be. It's  been a long time she come back or even find her friends in S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Woah, guess who is embarrassed in public?" Lorina walked in and used her power to stop Daisy to destroy this guy.

"Oh, Lorina!" Although Daisy is mad at Lorina leaving the man, but she still felt exciting to meet her , not only how strong Lorina is, it's about she has special power that Daisy can get related to.

"It's been a long time, why are you coming?"

"Oh, yeah right. One of our Agent is downed by a mystery gun which cause his blood purple, and we looked back to the case in 1947, former chief of the S.S.R. And we think it's connected"

"Daniel Sousa?"

"No, Jack Thompson. It doesn't matter if you don't know him yet."

"Hey, you know I might get in trouble sometime, are you sure you want me back?"

"It's not my idea." Lorina smiled.

What can cause a human's blood purple? You think it is cyanosis? No, it is something more than that, conspiracy theory and science. Hope that Simmons can figure it out.

"Fitz, what is that?" Simmons is looking at the microscope.

"Wow, that purple is DISGUSTING."

"What? No, no, no, that is not what I mean. Look more careful, is that metal?"

"Oh my god, eh what can I do?"

"I don't know, I can't even tell is that human technology or alien technology."

"Eh, what if I can separate the metal out and analyze it and..." Fitz didn't even finish his sentences, but Simmons knew what he is gonna say.

"And we can find out who the hell own this! Fitz you're a genius!"

"Let's tell Coulson." Fitz-Simmons was so happy of solving this and did not notice Coulson is right behind them.

"Prepare, and I'll assemble everyone at the presentation room. Time for the new adventure now." 

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