《Chapter 10~left》

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Y/n's p.o.v.
Im here at the meeting place Alvaro told me. Its at the park where we have our first kiss. I wonder what he'll tell. I'm kinda nervous but thinking of all the times we spent together made me happy.

After 10 minutes, Alvaro's car came and he came out walking to me. He sat at the swing next to me.

Y/n:Hi babe
Alvaro:Hi babe
He said as he kissed my forehead.

Y/n:What will you tell me?
I asked smiling but that fades away as I feel that he's nervous.

Alvaro:You know that I love you right?
Y/n:Yes... babe youre scaring me...
Alvaro:I don't want to leave you but...
Y/n:But what?

Tears filled my eyes. Is he gonna break up with me? He looked at my eyes.

Alvaro:We're moving...
Y/n:To where?

I started to cry. He hugged me as I cry onto his chest.

Y/n:You're leaving me?

He pulled out and looked at me. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

Alvaro:I dont think Long Distance relationship will work...
Y/n:So You're breaking up with me?
I sobbed. He just looked at me sadly and nodded. I punched his chesk softly.

Y/n:You said you love me..
Alvaro:I do!
Y/n:Then why will you leave me?
Alvaro:Cause I need to.

I ran to my house leaving him there. I just cried while running. When I arrived at our house my mom asked why am I crying.

Y/n:Me and my friends watched a sad movie.

I lied laughing as if it's funny. I ran up to my room and cried there for like 30 minutes. I heard a knock on my window. I ignored it thinking it's just a bird but then it became louder. I looked at it and saw Alvaro outside.

I stood up wiping my tears. I opened it and he came in. We just stood there face to face.

Y/n:What do you want?
Alvaro:were leaving tommorow.
Y/n:Youre expecting me to go?
Alvaro:Only if you want to.

I sat on my bed and so he did.

Alvaro:Can I even have a Goodbye...

He said in a low and sad voice. I looked at him and cried again. I kissed him and he kissed back. This will be our last kiss...

I pulled away. I smiled weakly. After 1 hour of staying he left already. I slept there thinking if I will go to the airport with him. The flight will be 3pm. I started to cry again until I fall asleep.

Alvaro's p.o.v.
She looked so sad when I told her we're leaving. I don't want to leave her but I'll just miss her. She looked so broken. Then she kissed me. That's the last kiss I will ever had with her and I'll miss it.

I slept with tears soaking my pillows wet.

I woke up like 9am. My things are already packed. I ate breakfast and did my morning routine. I finished all of that and just waited for us to go.

Will y/n come? I thought. I she will. I need to see her before I leave. The boys will come too ofcourse. Theyre all sad.

Airport~2:30 pm
Me and my family are already here at the airport. The boys are already here but y/n isnt.

Robert:She said she can't come.

She just don't like to. I understand tho. We waited until our flight will be called.

2:45 pm
Y/n still isn't here. We just waited here.

2:50 pm
Our flight is already called. We decided to go inside already. We said our goodbyes to each other and started to walk into our gate when i hear a voice called my name.

I turned around and I saw y/n...

Y/n p.o.v.
Im frustrated right now. I don't know of im gonna go or not. Im just gonna cry in there. But I like to go there.

Y/n:Mom? Can I borrow the car?
Y/n:My friend is going to florida and I want to go see him right now.

I drove fast. It's already 2:45pm. When I arrived at the airport i saw the boys. I also saw alvaro and his family walking to their gate. I ran and called his name.

Everyone is looking at me right now. Alvaro then looked back. A smile appeared at his face. His family looked shocked. We hugged each other.

Y/n:Im gonna miss you.
Alvaro:Im gonna miss you too.
And I love you
Y/n:I love you too.

We pulled away and started to walk away. He looked at me one last time and waved then they walked inside and before I Knew it... he already left me.
A/n:No one is reading this still

800 words

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