《Chapter 25~Reunion》

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No one's p.o.v
Days went fast and it's already the reunion day. Y/n is currently at Mattia's house. She just asked Kyla what to wear and told them to wear dress and for mattia, a suit or any formal outfit.

She's on her dress now and she's waiting for Mattia to come out of the bathroom. He's changing inside. It's currently 6:30pm and her nervousness is killing her.

Mattia:You ready?

They went outside and to the car. Mattia drove as they listened to some music. They didn't talk that much since Mattia knew how much she's nervous.

They arrived at school at 7pm. They're really early but they already saw a lot of cars outside and some people coming in.

Y/n:Should we go now?
Mattia:I think so. There's some people coming inside already.

And with that they went outside the car and that's when Mattia is stricked with nervousness on how he'll confess to her.

They walked inside and Kyle already spotted them.

Kyle:Y/n! Mattia! Thank God you arrived at this time. I don't have time to inform you that the time change.
Y/n:Oh is that so.

Akward silence came. Kyla looked at both of them with narrowed eyes.

Kyla:Are you guys have a thing?

Y/n's p.o.v.
When she asked that mattia immediately answered but stuttered.

Mattia:N-no w-were not
Kyla:Oh ok then see you later. I need to look over with the others.

Then she walked away. I immediately remembered what Mattia had said to me that he'll confess to the girl he likes today. I wonder who that girl is. She must be very pretty that's why Mattia liked her. But the question that went to my mind is that I never knew that he's talking with some of our batch mates.

We found a seat and sat there together. Some of our friends greeted us and thank God nobody still hadn't talked about the past. Also, some asks if we're on a relationship. I hope we are but we aren't. Ill just laugh and said my head no.

While talking with Mattia I saw some persons that im dreading to see. Alejandro is talking with a girl. Kairi walked in with a girl. Alvaro came with Roshaun.
Mattia noticed where am I looking at and also looked at them

Mattia:Wanna talk to them?

Alvaro then saw me and started walking to my direction. He smiled at me and started to talk.

Alvaro:Hey y/n and Mattia! Long time no see!

I akwardly smiled. Roshaun barged in and started being so loud. I saw Alejandro and Kairi walked on us and my heart is going to burst.

Ale:How's everyone?

He asked like nothing happened between us before.

Y/n:everythings ok....

We started to have a talk about our lives and works. Alejandro and Kairi have their own girlfriends. Alvaro and Roshaun both works as a police at thier city. Robert then came.

Y/n:Thank God nobody brings up the past.
Kairi:We all forgot that and that's ok with me now. Me and Ale are cool already.
Y/n:Thank you.

A weight is taken of my shoulder.

Roshaun:So you guys dating or something?

He asked me and Mattia.

Y/n:No. He's actually confessing his feelings with one if our batchmates.

I giggled.

Mattia:Why did you told them?
Y/n:Why not? They're your friends too.

I looked back at the boys.

Y/n:Who do you think it is?

They told a couple of names but ofcourse Mattia will deny. We ate dinner and Kyla made some games. We also sing alonged with some songs. It feels almost like a party.

Kyla then went up the stage.

Kyla:So now, we will have our classical dance so you can now pick your partner and go to the dance floor
A/n:hope you like it
647 words

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