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Well Carlisle was apparently at work, so we left a message with his wife Esme and she is going to have him call us back. Billy told me to go over to Emily's house since he was heading over to Sue's to keep her company. And honestly that didn't sound like a half bad idea...

Once I got to the house, I was surprised that it was so rustic looking. It was honestly beautiful to look at. I was barely in the driveway when the guys decided that they were just going to meet me half-way. Most of them were just screwing around and acting like children so I just smiled and kept walking straight to Emily. She immediately engulfed me in a hug, and I heard a few of the guy tease Paul and Seth that ignored them for her. I just whispered a "can we talk?" and she looked at Sam to keep the boys out for a while.

"What's the matter hun? Is everything ok?" Emily is like the older sister I never had. Even though I had only met her yesterday, I knew that I could trust her.

"Well I'm sure you heard that both Paul and Seth both imprinted on me yesterday... the problem is that that is not the end of the issue... Apparently there is a legend that Billy never told the pack. And the short version is that a girl who is the imprint of three wolves and the mate of a Cold One will be the one to end the feud and bring peace..."

"Wow, that is a lot..."

"Honestly, that isn't even the part that bothers me... my problem is that before I moved here, I went through a divorce and I'm just scared to mess this up... There's a lot of baggage I'm still working through and I don't want to pull the guys into it. They don't deserve that..." I couldn't help the sniffle that escaped...

"Oh, hunny... I know you don't see it yet but those two are willing to bend over backwards for you. Paul may be the hot head of the group but that is because he is dealing with his own baggage. And Seth is just a big ball of fluff that is always able to make anyone smile. They both care about you even though they don't know you yet. When Jacob showed up here last night, they were worried about you and I had to intervene just to keep them from running over there. I can tell that you already care for them too..."

"Yeah, I really do... but there a few things that I don't want to bring up to them until Billy and I have talked to Carlisle and I have found the other two parts to this. It would be easier to just sit down with all four of them together, but I don't know how to get them all in one place, let alone the same room..."

"Well, we will just have to figure it out along the way then! I'm guessing that this is just between us for now so don't worry, they won't find out from me."

"Thank you Emily! You're like the big sister I never had."

"Well, you are always welcome here. I know you are going to have your own place eventually, but I hope this place will feel like home as well." I just hugged her because this does feel like home.

By the time I finally got back to Billy's, he and Carlisle had already spoken and set up a time and place for us to talk... Right here at noon tomorrow. I really hope that the pack doesn't show up tomorrow, if they do I'm not sure that I will be able to get any answers...

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