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After eating, I went and grabbed my phone and went through the notifications...

30 missed calls from Paul

20 unanswered texts from Paul

25 missed calls from Seth

15 unanswered texts from Seth

40 missed calls from Jay

40 unanswered texts from Jay

The last notification caught my eye...

Missed call from Billy... 5 minutes ago... I'm soo dead...

I sat in my truck as a hovered over the call button before I hesitantly hit it...

"Vicky Anne, what is going on over there? You left in the middle of dinner, you don't answer you phone, then Jacob came home pissed and locked himself in the garage... Are you two fighting again?"

"No, we aren't fighting... Well... *sigh* I'll be home in a few... This is a conversation better had in person."

"Ok, then I'll see you when you get here..." With that we hung up and I was instantly dreading the conversation to come...

I slowly walked back into the house and went to find Jasper...

"Jas, honey, I need to get home... Billy's worried and I need to break this to the pack now that we actually have a plan and know more."

"Are you sure that is a good idea?"

"It's 50/50 at this point... It's all in how I word it... Hopefully it goes well, otherwise if they want to act against the treaty then they will just have to beat me in a sparring match..."

"Good luck then... Call and let me know how it goes."

"I will..." With that I kissed him and went to face the music...

(Time Skip)

As I pulled in the driveway, my garage door clicker wasn't working and I'm guessing that was his way of trying to lock me out... I just sighed and left it parked outside and went in.

No one was around when I walked in, so I just went to the kitchen intercom and made the announcement for everyone to come to the living room. Slowly the pack filed in and the only one missing was Jacob, no shocker there... Once everyone was seated and Billy joined us, I started trying to explain and praying it wouldn't come to a fight....

"So, I know you all are probably wondering what happened last night... And why Jacob is, for lack of a better phrasing, having a tantrum..."

"Annie, what happened?" Here goes nothing...

"Apart from our new wolves, the rest of you are aware of what I have been through right?"

"Anne, are you?"

"No... But I need you all to keep that in mind for what I have to tell you because I have already ripped an arm off and kinda went off on Jacob earlier..."

"Babygirl, just tell us..."

"One last thing... If any of you are going to act against my judgement, there will be sparring happening after this... And don't any of you dare phase in this house..."

"Alright! Get on with it..." Thanks Leah...

"Bella's pregnant... We think the child is half human and half vampire based on what we could find so far..."

The uproar was deafening... Everyone was talking over each other and throwing around accusations and insults... I was really hoping for better...

"ENOUGH!!! Now settle down... If we can't talk about this rationally then we can take this straight to the training room now and fight it out, but I was hoping that this would go better..."

The Connector (#1)Where stories live. Discover now