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It's been a week since he left, and I have been with the Cullens. I have honestly been as happy as I can be, despite the circumstances. Alice, Rosie, and I are basically sisters at this point, and I have finally started to not hate Edward, but Bella is still on my shit list... Cody is less hesitant around me. And Emmett is, well, Emmett. Alice has been busy lately with the wedding planning and even though I love being here, I can't be around this. It's bringing up too many memories. It's time to stop hiding from my problems and to act like the Luna that I am...

"It's time..." Everything halts around me...

"Darlin'... What do you mean?" I sigh and pull him into a tight hug.

"It's time for me to stop hiding from my problems and face them head on. How do I keep the respect of the pack when all I have shown them is that I am a coward that runs away? I need to go back and actually do my job. Once the house is complete, there is going to be a new transition period and I need to step up. I will still come and visit but my pack needs me."

"Are you sure? You know that no one will force you to do anything."

"I'm sure. Besides, with Mr. Moody Alpha being M.I.A., we can hopefully finish the treaty without more drama. I'll see if Em can pick me up and just have her bring the scroll from Billy's with her."

"That would be nice, Anne. Thank you."

With that, I left to go and pack my new clothes and shoes, leaving out an outfit and heels, then called Emily and asked her not to tell the guys... They are in for a shock when I get back...

(Time Skip)

While I had been waiting on Em to get here, I had asked Alice and Rosie to help with my look. I had set out a business casual look that made me feel really confident and Rosie curled my hair but brushed it out so it was wavy then Alice did a nice natural look that brought out my tan and my grey-blue eyes. After we had finished I made my grand entrance.

"Damn girl, you look hot! Looks like a day at the office not dealing with the pack..."

"Thanks, Em, how have they been? I know I haven't even tried to get in touch with y'all, but I truly have missed everyone..."

"Truthfully, they've been better... After Idiot ran off and with what happened to you, they have all been on edge. Paul and Seth have been managing as best as they could, but we are all missing the piece that holds us all together... You." Thank god for waterproof makeup...

"Well then let's not keep them waiting any longer then shall we?" And with a hug to everyone, minus Bella, and a kiss for Jasper, we were off.

"Em, how have they really been? I know that wasn't everything..."

"It's been a mess... Paul and Seth gave Sam temporary charge and they haven't left their rooms except to eat and run patrol. They hate that they couldn't help you, but I know that you are definitely feeling better now. You are practically glowing, and you seem to have your energy back." There's that guilty feeling again...

"This stays between us, but I as much as I love them both, I don't think that they could have helped much... You saw how I was basically conscious but unresponsive?"

"Yeah, scared all of us..."

"Em, my mind overrode my body and sent me into submissive mode as a defensive mechanism to cope with the heartache and stress that my body was under. I haven't had a drop that bad in a while, nor have I given myself any time to let myself relax. I'm what's referred to as a switch. I have a dominate side, a middle side that is an everyday, then my submissive side. Sometimes it is triggered from my mood or the person I'm with, but it is usually from the environment that I'm in."

"I see your point." Wait, she does?

"You do? Most people would want more of an explanation..."

"Paul is the group's hothead; he needs someone that can balance him out and occasionally put him in his place... Now Seth is a different story. He doesn't need a balance, just someone to be there for him and care about him..." Well ok then...

"Yeah... I really do want and need to spend some time with them. I don't want them to feel guilty or left out. I love all four of them equally."

"Well I did tell all of them that I was bringing back a surprise for the group but that they had to stay in the house and not run to the car... How about I go in first then you can wait for the signal and come in then?"

"Sounds like I need to pull out different heels for an entrance that big... I bought some that I think will completely blow them away. It's a bit of showing off but that's half the fun!"

"What height are they?"

"twelve inch-" She actually chocked on air...

"How do you not break your neck in those?! I might actually die if I thought too hard about them..."

"Practice Em, lots and lots of practice... Think it will get their attention?"

"That or give them a heart attack..."

"Great! And good luck if they actually try to run at me I can always give them a good chase. A woman should never own heels that she can't run in... Alice and Rosalie both had me teach them a thing or two as well as hand-to-heel combat techniques."

"Wait... Combat involving heels? What can't you do hun?"

"Fix a car... But seriously, you should have seen their faces when I took down Emmett while having to hold back..."

"You did what?! Now you will definitely have to train the rest of us girls!"

"I would be happy to! But we need a shopping trip before that so we can get some decent heels."

"That would be great! Maybe I could spice things up with Sam, with enough practice that is..."

"We can definitely work that in too! Maybe Kim or Leah will join us on this adventure... But we will definitely have to take it slower, so you don't break yourself."

"Probably Kim will, but I don't think that Leah will want anything to do with heels..."

"Can you pull over real quick so I can change shoes? That way the guys won't figure it out too early..."

"Sure hun!" And with the quick change we were back on the road making small talk and just catching up. All too soon we reached her house. Emily made more noise to cover the sound of my footsteps as we made our way to the front door. I made sure to keep out of sight of any of the window or doors and waited...

"Come in darling!" Show time!!!

"What's up boys?! Momma wolf is back!"

The Connector (#1)Where stories live. Discover now