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Well I got all of our documents in order and got their passport applications done so all that is left is to get pictures then mail the forms. I left messages for my friends Alister in the UK, Garrett who is I don't know where, and Cai, Fel, and Dem in Italy...

My conversation with Jasper went a lot better than how it did with the others... He actually wants to meet them! He wasn't surprised with how the Bella talk went but was proud that I beat Sam in a fight... Granted that it wasn't entirely an even fight...

I asked how things were looking and Carlisle thinks that she could deliver soon... I had him make sure that I was on stand-by incase anything happened...

As Em and I finished up getting breakfast made, I noticed that Sam and Jared were missing as well as my kids... I went up to check on them since they didn't have patrol today and found their beds empty...

"Hey Em... Have you seen Sam or Jared this morning? Katie, Collin and Brady are gone, and they don't have patrol..."

"I can't say that I have, but Sam and Jared left our house early this morning... You don't think...?"

"I apologize ahead of time Em, but if they took my kids then there will be hell to pay... I'm going out to find them, can you try calling them then let me know?"

"Of course, hun... If he answers, I'll call you..."

"Thank you!" With that I rushed out to my truck and called Jasper, hoping to god that they didn't go there...

The phone went straight to voicemail as did Rosie's... Something isn't right...

I sped faster to the Cullens place and prayed that they were ok... And I was not prepared for the chaos that I saw...

Sam and Jared were fighting against Emmett and Jasper while my kids looked conflicted on what to do... As soon as I was out of the truck, I phased and went after Sam knocking him into Jared.

"ENOUGH! YOU DARE GO AGAINST YOUR LUNA AND TAKE MY CHILDREN FROM ME!!! I SHOULD KILL YOU WERE YOU STAND... GO PHASE BACK, THAT'S AN ORDER!" They both whimpered and went and did as told. Alice came out with outfits for me and the kids to change into and we phased back.

"Jasper take my kids inside. They don't need to see this..." As I moved towards the two offenders, my kids were yelling for me, but I would not let this transgression go lightly.

"Emmett, call Jacob and tell him to get here and to make it quick... Before they end up dead..." He dashed inside and left me alone with the two...

"Get your asses in the truck and let your imprints know what you have done... I have half a mind to have you arrested on kidnapping charges... You two disgust me."

As they scrambled, I tried to calm down because I knew that Jasper could probably feel it in the house... I kept pacing in front of the truck until a wave of calm washed over me...

"Where are my kids?"

"With Esme, in the kitchen... Darlin' I thought you said that everything was settled..."

"I thought that it was... Even Emily didn't know that Sam had planned this and she's just as mad as I am...If they had gotten hurt... I don't know what I would have done..." That realization put me in full blown hysterics, and I collapsed on the ground. As Jasper pulled me into his lap, I faintly heard Jay's bike driving up...

"What happened?" He sounded as pissed as I am...

"Ask the two assholes in the truck... I'm going to find my kids..." I ran into the house and only stopped once my kids were safe in my arms again...


"Are you hurt? What happened? What did he do to you?" I broke down again as I pulled them close to me.

"He told us you were being held here and that we wouldn't be able to see you again... We just wanted to come for you but then they started attacking and we got scared..."

"Oh, my babies... I am never going to leave you, ok? I would never leave you three without telling you in person... I love you and that will never change, ok?" We sat there on the Cullens kitchen floor and just cried and held each other.

"Annie... I brought some tissues for you guys..." She slowly handed the box to Katie, who was on my lap, then backed away... I sniffled a bit and thanked her before she walked out of the room...

"Are you going to be ok in here while I go deal with them? I will come and get you right after, I promise."

"Ok, momma..."

" I love you, don't ever forget that."

I kissed each of their foreheads and went back out to deal with the problem...

And they are in for a rude awakening, courtesy of Mama Wolf...

The Connector (#1)Where stories live. Discover now