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"Where is that beautiful baby girl?" Jasper ran and picked me up in a hug and spun me around.

"Rose has her... Hey kids!" They run from my side and hug him. I couldn't help the smile that graced my lips.

"I got them... You go..." I nodded my head and laughed as they pulled him off somewhere...

I made my way to the living room and found Rosie holding... No way that that is Bella's baby...

"Rosie?" She beamed at me as I walked to her.

"Annie, this is Renesmee... Your niece..." Wait this is her?

"Um, Jay said that she was only born yesterday... She looks like a six month old..."

"Her growth rate is unprecedented." Bout scared me half to death...

"Oh... Can I hold her?" Oh, how I have missed holding a little one... Rosie passed her to me, and I couldn't help but smile as I gazed down at her.

As I bounced her lightly in my arms, she raised her hand to my cheek and a series of images played in my head like a movie...

"Remarkable... So young, and already showing a gift..." I laughed a little in surprise. "Hello little one, I'm your auntie Vicky... It's so nice to finally meet you!" I could feel my eyes welling up with happy tears...

"Hi, auntie! Thank you for helping me!" My eyes shot up to look at Carlisle... "Did you know she could do that?"

"Do what? The mental pictures, yeah..." They looked a little confused...

"No... she spoke to me like she did with the images..." Their looks told me that that must be a first...

"What did she say?"

"She said hi and thanked me for helping her..." I looked back down at her smiling face and gave her a kiss on the top of her head... "You are amazing little one, can I call you Ness? I promise nothing will ever hurt you while I'm around... You are so precious, my sweet little niece." I had to sniffle a little as I felt some tears start to leave my eyes.

"I like Ness... Are you sad auntie?"

"No sweetheart... I'm just really happy..." I laughed a little as I used one hand to wipe my eyes of the stray tears.

"How is her progress so far beside growing very quickly?"

"She has excellent head control as you can see, she has been able to sit up unassisted, and surprisingly she hasn't wanted any blood since birth..."

"Well, you can add in very smart to that list... She was communicating in full sentences..."

"She spoke to you?" Ah the father of the year... Massive eye roll...

"Not so much as spoke, more like thought projection... But yes, has she not with you?" I noticed that his arm was still missing, and I couldn't help but smirk. "I see that you never apologized then..."

"Oh, he did Annie, but I told him that he owes you one as well..." Rosie and I exchanged a look that said Your welcome! and I just smirked back at her.

"Well?" He just stood there staring at me while Ness played and pulled on my hair as I swayed.

"How is she that calm, and why are you swaying? She hasn't been like that with anyone besides Rosalie..."*sigh*

"Ten year of childcare remember? I just automatically do this when holding a child... Heck, I do it with my kids and their teens... As for why she is so calm, it might be that we are the only ones that were trying to help and support her..." He didn't look convinced but also didn't debate it.

"Anne, I'm sorry for how I reacted and how I treated you. I was wrong and I apologize." I so would have cussed him out but there was a very smart little one in the room...

"Thank you. Rosie he can have his arm back..." For now... She quickly flitted from the room and reappeared with his arm that Carlisle helped to reattach.

"Ness, do you want to meet your cousins?"

"We have more family?"

"Yes, little one. You have a lot more family that you can meet eventually."

"Ok! I want to meet my cousins... Are they your babies?"

"Yes they are my babies, but they are much bigger than you are right now." I look to the other three... "We are going to find my kiddos and Jasper so she can meet them. Holler if you need something..."

And with that we walk towards the back of the house towards the back deck. I could faintly hear their laughter that got louder when I opened the door... Seems like they are having fun out here... Once we reached the railing, I saw what they were laughing at...

Emmett and Jasper were play fighting and tickling the kids and were obviously letting them win. It warmed my heart that they got on so well with him, but I was surprised at what they were yelling...

"Dad stop it! This isn't fair!" My jaw just about hit the floor as I processed what they just said... I made my over to the stairs and just watched Jasper. He was laughing with them and he looked like he was finally letting his walls down.

"Looks like I missed the fun..." They finally noticed me and run up to us.

"Momma! Is this Bella's baby? She's so big and precious!"

"This is Renesmee, or Ness. Ness, these are your cousins Katie, Collin, and Brady."

"Hi, baby!" She giggled at them as they started to entertain her while I sat us on the steps. Jasper sat behind me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"You look happy darlin'..."

"I am... Between finally holding a little one again, adopting the kids, and seeing them so happy... And don't think that I missed them calling you dad..." I leaned back into his chest and kissed his cheek as he smiled.

"Kinda surprised me when they did but it felt kinda right too... Just like seeing you holding her and watching us play around... It just gave me a glance at what our future would be like..."

"And? How was it?"

"Perfect... Absolutely perfect..." He kissed me and we couldn't help but laugh as the kids ew'd at our action.

As we pulled away, I leaned back into his embrace and basked in the family that I had made here...

But something in the back of my mind told me that everything was about to change...

And not for the best...

The Connector (#1)Where stories live. Discover now