Chapter 2

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Val's POV

Just then, Mrs. Darling comes in. "George, dear, we really must hurry or we'll be-"

Mr. Darling interrupts her by saying, "Mary, look!" He says this while pointing on the map on his shirt front.

"George?" Mrs. Darling says in confusion while looking at the map drawing.

"It's only chalk, Father." Michael says to Mr. Darling.

"Why, Michael." Mrs. Darling says to Michael.

"It's not his fault. It's in the story. And Wendy says-" John starts to say.

"Wendy? Story?" Mr. Darling asks. "I might have known. Wendy! Wendy!" He calls out to Wendy.

Just then, Wendy comes in. "Yes, Father?" She asks.

"Would you kindly ex-" But Mr. Darling gets interrupted by Wendy.

She runs over to Mrs. Darling saying, "Oh, mother! You look simply lovely."

"Thank you, dear. Just my old gown made over. But it did turn out rather nicely." Mrs. Darling says to Wendy.

"Mary, if you don't mind." Mr. Darling starts to say.

"Why, Father. What have you done to your shirt?" Wendy asks Mr. Darling.

She really thinks Mr. Darling drew the map on his shirt? I hold back a laugh.

"What have I...?" Mr. Darling asks.

"Now, George, really. It comes right off." Mrs. Darling says as she wipes the map drawing off his shirt with a rag.

"That's no excuse. Wendy, haven't I warned you? Stuffing the boys with a lot of silly stories." Mr. Darling says in irritation.

"Oh, but they aren't." Wendy says to Mr. Darling.

"I say they are! Captain Crook! Peter Pirate!" Mr. Darling says.

"It's Peter Pan actually." I say in a low voice as I walk over to Wendy's side.

"Pan! Pirate! Poppycock!" Mr. Darling says in anger.

"No, Father!" Wendy says.

"You don't understand." John says as he and Michael stand next to us.

"Absolute Poppycock! And let me tell you, this ridiculous-" Mr. Darling starts to say.

"Now, George." Mrs. Darling says while tying his bow around his neck.

"'Now, George'! Well, 'Now, George,' will have his say!" Mr. Darling says in anger.

"Please, dear." Mrs. Darling says.

"Mary, Wendy and Val are growing up. It's high time they share a room of their own." Mr. Darling says.

"Father!" Wendy says.

"George!" Mrs. Darling says.

"What?!" John asks.

"No!" Michael says while hugging my leg.

"What?!" I say in surprise. Well, at least I won't be alone in a room.

"I mean it! Young ladies, this is your last night in the nursery. And that's my last word on the matter." Mr. Darling says as he starts to walk out of the room.

But when walking to the door he almost steps on Nana, who now just finished the castle. Sadly, Nana runs into the castle and knocks it down... again.

Both Nana and Mr. Darling slip on one of the little toy wagons and fall.

And I thought this night wasn't going to get any worse.

Everyone, except for me, run over to Nana. "Poor Nana." They say in unison.

"'Poor Nana'? This is the last straw!" Mr. Darling says as he gets up. "Out! Out, I say!" He says while pointing out the door.

"No, Father, no." Michael says while hugging Nana.

"Yes! There will be no more dogs for nursemaids in this house!" Mr. Darling says as he drags Nana by the collar.

Michael kept holding on to Nana's tail, but I walk over and pick Michael up.

"Goodbye, Nana." Michael says sadly before hugging me.

I look sadly at Nana and see her wave back at us before leaving the room.

Hopefully nothing else happens today.

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