Chapter 4

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Val's POV

Here we go with Wendy talking so much about Peter. Seriously, she never stops.

"You know, you look exactly the way I thought you would. A little taller perhaps. But then-" Wendy stops when she sees Peter trying to stick his shadow on him with soap. "You can't stick it on with soap, Peter. It needs sewing. That's the proper way to do it. Although, come to think of it, I've never thought about it before. Sewing shadows, I mean. Of course, I knew it was your shadow the minute I saw it."

Peter and I just stand there next to each other as we look at Wendy in disbelief. I have never seen or heard Wendy talk so much. Peter and I give each other glances before looking back at Wendy.

"And I said to myself, 'I'll put it away for him until he comes back. He's sure to come back.' And you did, didn't you, Peter?"

Wendy walks over to her drawer and pulls out a needle and thread. She then walks back over to us.

"After all, one can't leave his shadow lying about and not miss it sooner or later. Don't you agree? What I don't understand is how Nana got it in the first place." Wendy says as Peter walks backwards towards Wendy's bed.

He then hovers in the air above her bed.

"She really isn't... Oh, sit down. It won't take long." Wendy says to Peter.

Peter stops hovering and lands on her bed.

Wendy sits on the floor and starts to put the thread through the needle while talking. "She really isn't vicious. She's a wonderful nurse. Although father says-" She starts to say.

"Girls talk too much." Peter says as he rests his head on his palm.

That's the first time we have ever heard Peter talk.

"Yes, girls talk too... Oh." Wendy says as she stops talking.

"I don't talk that much." I say quietly while rolling my eyes playfully and sit next to Wendy.

"Well, get on with it, girl." Peter says to Wendy as he gives her his shadow and pulls out his flute.

"My name is Wendy. Wendy Moira Angela Darling." Wendy says while sewing Peter's shadow to him.

"Wendy's enough." Peter says while playing his flute. He then looks in my direction. "What about you?" He asks.

"Oh,it's Val." I say to Peter.

Peter nods and continues to play his flute.

"But how did Nana  get your shadow, Peter?" Wendy asks Peter.

"Jumped at me the other night at the window." Peter answers.

"Well, what were you doing there?" Wendy asks.

"I wanted to listen to the stories." Peter says.

"My stories? But they're all about you." Wendy says.

"Of course. That's why I like them. I tell them to the Lost Boys." Peter says before continuing to play his flute.

"The Lost Boys... Oh, I remember. They're your men." Wendy says as she finishes up the sewing.

"Uh-huh." Peter says as he flies to the wall and tests out his shadow.

"I'm so glad you came back tonight. We might never have seen you again." Wendy says.

"Why?" Peter asks.

"Because we have to grow up tomorrow." I say sadly.

"Grow up?" Peter asks in disbelief as he turns to face us.

"Tonight's our last night in the nursery." Wendy says as she walks to put the needle and thread away.

"But that means no more stories." Peter says.

"Mm-hm." Wendy and I say at the same time.

"No! I won't have it. Come on." He says as he grabs our hand and leads us to the window.

"Wait. Where are we going?" I ask in shock.

"To Neverland." Peter answers.

"Neverland?" Wendy asks in surprise.

"You'll never grow up there." Peter says.

"Oh, Peter, it will be so wonderful." Wendy says but stops and pulls her hand away before we can go out the window. "But wait. What will Mother say?" She asks.

Oh, yeah. I forgot about Mrs. Darling.

"Mother? What's Mother?" Peter asks.

"Why, Peter, a mother is someone who loves and cares for you and tells you stories." Wendy says.

Oh, no. I'm thinking about my mother again. I try not to think about it and focus on something else. Come on, think about something else. Um..Michael and John are still asleep, We are talking to Peter Pan, we're about to go out our window, Peter is still holding my hand... Wait, wha-

"Good! You can be our mother. Come on." Peter says as he grabs Wendy's hand and is about to fly out of the window again.

"Now, just a minute, I..." Wendy starts to say as she starts to walk back to the middle of the room. "Let me see, now. I have to pack. Oh, and I must leave a note when I'll be back. Of course, I couldn't stay too long. And then I'll have to... Oh, but Neverland." She says to herself.

Peter and I walk back towards Wendy instead of staying by the window.

"I'm so happy I... I think I'll give you a kiss." Wendy says.

God, when will her talking stop- Wait, what! A kiss?!

"What's a kiss?" Peter asks in confusion.

I already took a few steps back because I didn't want to be too close when it happens. I mean if it happens.

"Oh, well, I'll show you." Wendy says before walking over to kiss Peter.

Peter was confused and started to slowly back away.

Yeah, I'm not looking. I cover my eyes and wait for it to end.

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