Chapter 10

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Val's POV

We successfully take Tiger Lily back to the Indian encampment, which is where John, Michael, and the Lost boys are.

Huh, so they have been here the whole time. Oh, and just saying, I already know the names of the Lost Boys.

Anyways, because Peter saved Tiger Lily, the Indians are having a ceremony for him. We are all also wearing feathers on our head and the boys are wearing war paint on their faces.

I had a white feather with purple on the tip.

"How." The Indian chief says to Peter.

"How." Peter says back.

The Indian chief started to do sign language.

"What's the chief doing, John?" Wendy asks John.

"He's delivering an oration in sign language." John answers as we watch what is going on.

"What's he saying?" Michael and I ask at the same time.

"He says, 'Peter Pan, mighty warrior. Save Tiger Lily. Make big chief heap glad.'" John says to us.

"Well, he certainly doesn't look 'heap glad'." Wendy says before laughing a little.

I just hold back a laugh after what Wendy said.

"Make Peter Pan heap big chief." The Indian chief says while putting an Indian hat on Peter. "You now Little Flying Eagle." He says afterwards.

Peter does an Indian call before flying around.

We all cheer for Peter as he flies around.

Peter then lands next to the Indian chief and everyone sits down.

The then start passing an Indian smoke pipe to us.

"Teach them paleface brother all about red man." The Indian chief says after passing the Indian smoke pipe to Peter.

"Good, this should be most enlightening." John says to Wendy, Michael, and I.

I just nod in agreement.

The Lot Boys started to ask questions about Indians to the chief.

But I didn't really pay attention to it that much.

Then the Indians started to play on their drums and sing a song.

During the song, the Indian was passed to Wendy, John, Michael, and I.

Michael was the first to get it. He was about to use it, but Wendy grabs it and passes it to me, to which I then pass to John. Once I give it to John, he doesn't hesitate and uses it. But when he passed it to another Indian, he didn't look so good.

It was a good thing I didn't use it then.

Afterwards, everyone started to get up and dance around. I just stayed where I was sitting and watch everyone. I'm not really a good dancer.

As the Indians kept singing, I looked around some more and saw Peter sitting down as well. But he was watching Tiger Lily dance.

I decided to watch Tiger Lily dance since there wasn't much for me to do. And to be honest, her dancing was pretty good. It doesn't look that hard.

Moments later, Tiger Lily starts dancing over to Peter.

Wait, what is she doing?

Once Tiger Lily was in front of Peter, she rubs her nose on Peter's nose.

Is this how Indians kiss? I don't really know.

After seeing that,  I quickly look in the other direction. I felt some weird feeling inside of me. What is this feeling? I have never felt it before. Is it jealousy?

I saw Wendy in the distance looking in Peter's direction. She for sure looked jealous after what Tiger Lily did.

I try to look at something else to get my mind off what just happened with Peter and Tiger Lily.

Afterwards, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over to see Peter in front of me. What is he doing here?

Before I can say anything, Peter does the exact same thing Tiger Lily did to him. Peter rubs his nose on mine.

My eyes go wide in shock. What did he do that for? Does he like me? I can tell that I'm a blushing mess right now.

As I am still processing what happened, Peter grabs my arm and pulls me to where Tiger Lily is. As I stand by them, they encourage me to dance with them.

I was hesitant at first, but I finally gave in and danced with them. I got the hang of it after a while. Everyone kept having fun and danced with the Indians.

And for the first time since a year, I had a huge smile on my face. I never had this much fun in my life. And now that I think about it, if it wasn't for Peter taking us to Neverland, I would never have felt this way.

And I only have one question on my mind.

Should I stay here, or should I go back home?

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