Chapter 8

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Val's POV

Peter, Wendy, and I make it to Mermaid Lagoon. And we are able to see the mermaids.

"Just imagine, real live mermaids." Wendy says in amazement.

"Would you like to meet them?" Peter asks us.

"Peter, I'd love to." Wendy says.

"Sure." I say.

"All right, come on." Peter says before flying down while playing his flute.

Him playing his flute got the mermaids' attention. They are waving and saying hello to Peter.

Wendy and I started to climb down a few rocks. It was a little hard, but we were able to get closer to them. Wendy and I stood on separate rocks next to each other.

Peter and the mermaids kept talking until Wendy got there attention.

"Peter!" Wendy calls out to him.

"Who are they?" A mermaid with yellow hair asks Peter.

"Them? Oh, that's Val and Wendy." Peter says.

"What are they doing here?" A mermaid with black hair asks.

"And in there nightdress too." A mermaid with orange hair says.

I look at Wendy and see anger in here face.

This is not going to end well.

Just then, the mermaid with orange hair swims up to us. "Come on, dearies. Join us for a swim." She says while pulling on our dresses.

"Oh, Please, I'm not dressed for it." Wendy says.

"No thanks, I'm good." I say while stepping back from the mermaid a little.

"But you must." Another mermaid swims to us and pushes Wendy a little.

"We insist." Another says to us.

"Please, stop." I say as the mermaids kept pulling and pushing us.

"Peter!" Wendy calls out to him.

But Peter was, for some reason, laughing at what was going on.

Does he even know what's going on right now?

Out of nowhere, the mermaids started to splash water at us.

Wendy then grabs a sea shell and was going to throw it at them. "If you dare come near us  again-" She starts to say.

"Wendy! Wendy!" Peter says while flying towards Wendy and grabbing the shell from her. "They were just having a little fun. Weren't you, girls?" He says.

"That's all." The mermaid with yellow hair says.

"We were only trying to drown them." The mermaid with orange hair says.

Drown us? Drown us?!

"You see?" Peter says to us.

 I was a little frustrated at this. "Seriously? Do you even know what drowning mean-" I start to say but get interrupted by Peter putting his hand over my mouth.

"Shh. Hold it, Val." Peter says before flying behind a rock and peeking through a hole.

What is he looking at?

"Yup, It's Hook alright." Peter says to us.

The mermaids get scared and swim into the water and hide.


"Quick, Val and Wendy." Peter says while flying towards us and pulls us over to the rock he was peeking from.

We look to see Captain Hook, Smee, and an Indian girl, who is tied up, in a small boat. And the crocodile is following behind them.

"They've captured Tiger Lily." Peter whispers to us.

We then watch them go off in the distance.

"Looks like they're heading for Skull Rock." Peter says before flying in front of us. "Come on, Val and Wendy. Let's see what they're up to." He says to us.

I hold on to Wendy as she starts to fly towards Skull Rock.

Peter comes to Wendy's side and grabs my arm before having me go on his back. I quickly wrap my arms over his shoulders so I don't fall.

Once we make it to Skull Rock, we hide on a rock above Captain Hook. We look down to see Tiger Lily sitting on a rock, with Captain Hook and Smee on the boat.

"Now, my dear princess, this is my proposition. You tell me the hiding place of Peter Pan, and I shall set you free." Captain Hook says to Tiger Lily.

"You dog." Peter whispers with a little bit of anger in his voice.

"Poor Tiger Lily." Wendy whispers.

I just nod at what Wendy said.

"Am I not a man of my word, Mr. Smee?" Captain Hook asks Smee.

"Oh, yes. Always, Capitain." Smee answers.

"You'd better talk, my dear, fro soon the tide will come in and then it will be too late." Captain Hook says to Tiger Lily.

"I'll show the old codfish." Peter whispers. "Stay here, Val and Wendy, and watch the fun." He says to us before flying off.

Fun? What fun?

Wendy and I look at each other in confusion and then back to where Captain Hook is.

"Remember, there is no path through water to the happy hunting ground." Captain Hook says.

But yet again, Tiger Lily stays quiet.

Captain Hook is angry at this point and uses his hook to grab Tiger Lily's ropes and pull her up. "This is your last chance, Tiger Lily!" He yells at her.

Now I feel bad for Tiger Lily.

Just then, Peter started to speak in a scary tone. This made a huge echo go through the whole place. It's sounds a little scary if you ask me.

And I can tell that Smee was scared as well.

"Did you hear that, Smee?" Captain Hook asks Smee.

"It's an evil spirit, Captain." Smee says in fear.

"Stand by, Smee, while I take a look around. Spirit of the great seawater, is it?" Captain Hooks says before pulling out his sword and walking out of the boat.

Now, we couldn't see where Captain Hook went. So for now, we just keep an eye on Smee and Tiger Lily.

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