Chapter 6

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Val's POV

Peter throws us high in the air. Wow, he's pretty strong.

"We can fly! We can fly! We can fly!" Wendy, John, and Michael say in unison.

The others are trying to fly while I just wait to fall. And I was right. But the others fall as well. Good thing we land on the bed.

After we fall, I hear twinkling of laughter from Tinkerbell.

"This won't do. What's the matter with you? All it takes is faith and trust." Peter says. He then realizes something. "Oh, and something I forgot. Dust." He says.

"Dust?" We ask in confusion.

Dust? What kind of dust is he talking about? And how is it going to help us?

He then grabs Tinkerbell and says, "Yup! Just a little bit of pixie dust." Pixie dust then lands on top of us.

Wow, the pixie dust looks so cool and beautiful. But I don't even think it will help me fly.

"Now think of the happiest things. It's the same as having wings." Peter says.

"Let's all try it just once more." Wendy says as she begins to fly.

"Look! We're rising off the floor." John says in surprise while flying.

"Jiminy!" Michael says as he flies as well.

"Oh, my! We can fly!" Wendy says.

"You can fly!" Peter says

"We can fly!" Wendy, John, and Michael say in unison while flying around the room.

I just stand there watching my friends fly. That looks like a lot of fun. Then someone lands next to me. 

It was Peter. "Don't worry. You can fly with me." Peter says to me with a smile.

 I am so confused. What does he mean by that? "Okay?" I say even though it sounds like a question.

Peter grabs my hand and runs over to the window. "Come on, everybody. Here we go!" He says before flying out of the window still holding my hand.

Wait, what is he doing? I start freaking out and wrap my arms over Peter's shoulders for dear life. So I was some-what on Peter's back while he was flying.

"Off to Neverland." Peter says to us.

I look behind me to see the others following after us.

Peter and the others fly high up and then dive down towards the ground. This kind of scared me a little, but it wasn't so bad.

We then start flying around the house for a little bit. And I was able to hear Nana barking at us from the ground. I look down to see Nana freaking out because she is watching us fly around. I mean, who wouldn't freak out when they see someone flying?

As I look around me, it isn't so scary as it was before. This is actually pretty fun.

We then leave the house and fly towards a lake. In the lake, I saw two swans minding their own business. Peter then flies down towards the swans and rides on them as they swim away. Peter pulls out his flute and starts to play it.

I am now positioned in a way that looks like I'm riding on Peter's back. I hold onto him tighter so I don't fall off. The last thing I want is to lose my grip and fall into the lake.

I look behind me and see the others following us and Wendy is looking at her reflection in the water. I also see Tinkerbell flying towards us as well.

Huh, I totally forgot Tinkerbell was with us.

Anyways, Peter gets off the swans and we fly towards the big clock tower. Peter lands on the big hand of the clock and the others do the same.

I let go of Peter and look around. We are pretty high up. Just don't look down- too late.

I was freaking out a little, but I wasn't showing it.

Then Peter gets our attention. "There it is, Val and Wendy. Second star to the right and straight on till morning." he says as he points to the star.

Peter is about to fly again and I hold on to Peter like I did before.

We all fly through the London Bridge and start flying above the clouds. I was able to see all of London from up here. 

We then head towards the second star to the right. We are heading to Neverland.

I can't wait to get there.

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