Chapter 7

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Val's POV

We made it to Neverland!!! Neverland looks so cool.

Peter and the others land on a cloud and look around Neverland.

I let go of Peter and look around as well. You can see everything from up here.

"Oh, Peter, it's just as I've always dreamed it would be." Wendy says to Peter while looking around. "Look, John, there's Mermaid Lagoon." She says while pointing to Mermaid Lagoon.

"By Jove! And the Indian encampment!" John says.

"Oh, look, there's Captain Hook and the pirates." Michael says while pointing to Captain Hook's ship.

Just then, a cannon ball is shot in our direction.

"Look out!" Peter says a he pushes us down.

Good thing the cannon misses us.

"Quick, Tink. Take Val, Wendy, and the boys to the island. I'll stay here and draw Hook's fire." Peter says to Tinkebell.

Tinkerbell starts to fly ahead of us really fast.

I hold onto Wendy like I did to Peter when we were flying and follow after Tink.

"Hook! Hook! You codfish! Here!" I hear Peter say as he gets Hooks attention.

I also here more cannon balls fire. I look behind me to see Peter dodge the cannon balls with ease.

I then look ahead to see Tinkerbell flying at full speed. The boys are also following us, but they are a falling behind a little.

"Tinkerbell. Not so fast. Please, Tinkerbell. We can't keep up with you." Wendy shouts to Tinkerbell.

But Tinkerbell doesn't listen and continues to fly at full speed.

"Tinkerbell, wait!" I yell to Tinkerbell, but she still doesn't stop.

Wendy flies above the trees as we look around for Tinkerbell.

I couldn't find her. All I could see are trees, grass, rocks, Lost Boys... Lost boys?

"Fire!" I hear from the Lost Boys shout as they throw they're weapons at us.

"Wendy, look out!" I say to Wendy.

This gets Wendy to jolt back and not get hit. But after she jolts back, I lose my grip on her and start falling towards a bunch of huge boulders.

Oh, great. Now I'm going to die.

"Val!" I hear Wendy yell to me.

I close my eyes and brace myself. But the impact never came. Instead, I feel myself in someone's arms. I open my eyes to see me in Peter's arms.

Wait, what?! Oh my god! I am freaking out from the inside. Come on, say something.

"Uh, thanks, Peter. You saved my life." I say to Peter as he puts me down.

Wendy lands on the ground and I stand next to her.

"Are you hurted, Val?" Michael asks as he flies towards me.

"No, Michael." I say while hugging him.

"Good heavens, Val, you might have been killed." John says as he lands next to us.

"Yeah." I say while nodding.

Just then, we hear yelling from I believe to be the Lost Boys. They start running to Peter and kept telling him that they shot something down. They're probably referring to me.

The Lost Boys then started to fight one another because they kept saying that they shot it down and not the others.

"Attention!" Peter yells to the Lost Boys.

The Lost Boys stop fighting, stand in a single-filed line, and salute.

"Well, I'm certainly proud of you. You Blockheads." Peter says in disappointment.

The Lost Boys look down in sadness.

"I bring you a mother to tell you stories..." Peter says to the Lost Boys.

"A mother?" The Lost Boys ask while looking in our direction.

"And you shoot her friend down." Peter says afterwards.

"Well, Tink said they were birds." The Lost Boy in a bear outfit says.

"Tink said what?" Peter asks.

"Well, she said that you said to shoot them down." One of the twins in a raccoon outfit says.

"Tinkerbell. Tink!" Peter says as he looks at Tinkerbell.

I look in the direction Peter is looking in and see her peeking from behind a leaf of a tree.

"You're charged with high treason, Tink. Are you guilty or not guilty?" Peter asks her.

Tinkerbell twinkles while walking behind the leaf.

And since I don't understand fairies, I don't know what she said.

"Guilty? But don't you know you might have killed her?" Peter asks.

Tinkerbell peek from the other side of the leaf and nods.

"Tinkerbell! I hereby banish you forever." Peter says to her.

Tinkerbell gets angry after what Peter says and flies off.

I feel a little bad for Tinkerbell. She doesn't deserve to be banished forever. "Please, not forever." I say as I walk up to Peter.

"Well, for a week then. Come on, Val and Wendy, I'll show you the island." He says.

"Oh, Peter, the mermaids?" Wendy asks in excitement.

Wendy really wants to see the mermaids. I guess it wouldn't hurt to see some mermaids.

"Let's go hunting." The Lost Boy in the bear outfit says.

"Tigers?" The Lost Boy in the rabbit outfit asks the raccoon twins.

"No, bears." The raccoon twins say.

"Personally, I prefer to see the aborigines." John says to them.

"And the Indians too." Michael says.

"All right, men. Go out and capture a few Indians." Peter says to the Lost Boys, John, and Michael. "John, you be the leader." He says afterwards.

"I shall try to be worthy of my post. Forward! March!" John says while leading the Lost Boys and Michael to capture Indians.

"Come on, bear." Michael says to his teddy bear.

"Oh, Michael, do be careful." Wendy says to Michael.

"Come on, Val and Wendy. I'll show you the mermaids." Peter says while grabbing Wendy and have me hold onto him.

We then start to fly towards Mermaids Lagoon.

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