Chapter 13

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Val's POV

Peter and I fly to Captain Hook's ship.

And it's a good thing we came just in time. Once we got there, Wendy started to walk the plank while the others are tied to the mast of the ship.

Peter flies under the plank to catch Wendy while I hide behind one of the sails.

Wendy walks off the edge of the plank and lands in Peter's arms.

"Captain, no splash." Smee says to Captain Hook.

"Not a sound." Captain Hook says afterwards.

Captain Hook and the pirates are ranting about them not hearing a splash.

Just then, Peter lands, with Wendy, next to me.

Wendy was really happy to see that I was okay after the explosion at the hideout.

"No splash, Captain." One of the pirates says to Captain Hook.

"So you want a splash, Mr. Starkey? I'll give you a splash!" Captain Hook says before throwing the pirate off the ship. "Who's next?" He asks.

"You're next, Hook! This time you've gone too far." Peter says to Captain Hook.

The boys started to cheer in happiness that we were alive and going to save them.

"It can't be!" Captain Hook with a little bit of disbelief in his voice.

"It's his blinking ghost what's talking." Smee says in fear.

"Say your prayers, Hook." Peter says as he draws his sword out.

"I'll show you this ghost has blood in his veins. I'll run him through." Hook says while pulling out his sword.

Peter flies down and starts fighting with Captain Hook.

Now that Captain Hook was distracted, I fly down grab a sword that was on the floor. Who leaves a sword on the floor?

Anyways, I use the sword to free the boys.

"Come on, guys." I say to them as I lead them to the shrouds of the ship.

I start flying to the crows nest and wait there for the others to climb up.

"Hurry, Michael! Hurry!" I hear John say to Michael.

I look down to see Michael put a cannon ball in his teddy bear.

What is he doing that for? I  guess I'll find out later.

"Don't stand there, you bilge rats! Get those scurvy brats!" Captain Hook says to the pirates as he tries to get his hook unstuck from the mast of the ship.

Great. Now we have to worry about the pirates.

Some of the lost boys made it into the crows nest and some are still climbing the shrouds.

I look down again to see the pirates climbing the shrouds as well. And another problem was that Michael's leg was tangled with the shrouds.

I act fast and fly down to Michael. Once I reach him, I untangle the shrouds from his leg and hold him in my arms before flying back up to the crows nest.

I also found Wendy in the crows nest as well.

I guess she climbed in when I went to save Michael.

Once everyone was in the crows nest, the Lost Boys had their weapons and got ready to fire at the pirates climbing the shrouds.

"Hold your fire. Steady, men. Steady. Fire!" John says to the Lost Boys.

The Lost Boys fire their weapons, but that doesn't seem to do anything. Even Tinkerbell tried helping us. But that doesn't seem to be working either.

Tinkerbell then flies off towards Peter. She's probably going to have Peter help us.

I look over at Peter to see Tinkerbell telling Peter something.

Peter then looks in our direction.

But from behind, Captain Hook raises his sword and is about to slash at Peter.

"Peter, look out!" I say before flying towards him.

Peter looks back and ducks just in time.

Right after the swing, I fly over and kick Captain Hook in the face, which sends him flying into a cannon.

"Wow. I didn't know I was that strong." I say to myself.

Peter stands back up and looks towards the others. He then flies up and cuts the shrouds with his sword.

All the pirates, except for one, fall off the ship. The one pirate is holding onto the edge of the crows nest.

And before I can go over and help, Michael grabs his teddy bears, with the cannon ball inside, and slams it on the pirate's head.

Oh. So that's what the cannon ball was for.

I fly back up and land in the crows nest with the others while Peter flies up and lands on top of one of the sails.

I hope the fight is almost over.

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