Chapter 15

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Val's POV

Pixie dust is spread on the whole ship and we are now flying to London.

Once we make it to London, Wendy, John, and Michael go into there room. John and Michael lay down in bed while Wendy sits down by the window and rests her head on her arm as she closes her eyes.

Peter flies the ship up into the sky while I fly down to the house.

I sit on the edge of the roof that is right above Wendy's window. I just want to hear what is going to happen when Mr. and Mrs. Darling comes home.

And right on cue, Mr. and Mrs. Darling enter Wendy and he boy's room.

"Wendy! Wendy, what on earth are you doing there?" I hear Mrs. Darling ask Wendy.

I hear Wendy wake up and she runs to Mrs. Darling. "Oh, Mother, we're back." She says to Mrs. Darling.

"Back?" I hear Mr. Darling ask.

"All except Val and the Lost Boys. Val found her happy thought and the Lost Boys weren't quite ready." Wendy says.

"Lost Boys? Ready?" Mr. Darling asks in confusion.

"To grow up. That's why they, and Val, went back to Neverland." Wendy says.

"Neverland?" Mr. Darling asks.

"Yes, but I am." Wendy says.

"Am?" Mr. Darling asks.

"Ready to grow up." Wendy says.

"Oh, oh! Well, my dear, all in good time. After all, perhaps we were too-" Mr. Darling starts to say.

"Oh, but, Mother, it was such a wonderful adventure. Tinkerbell and the mermaids and Peter Pan. Oh, he was the most wonderful of all. Why even when we were kidnapped-" Wendy starts to say to Mrs. Darling.

"Kidnapped?" Mr. Dalrling asks.

"Mm-hm. I knew Peter and Val would save us, and he did. And we all called him a codfish- Uh Captain Hook, I mean." Wendy continues.

And here we go with Wendy talking a lot again. But, I will miss that.

I then hear Wendy walk up to the window that I was above. "And then we sailed away on a ship in the sky." She says.

"Mary, I'm going to bed." Mr. Darling says in a tired voice.

"Oh, Mother. He really is wonderful, isn't he? See how well he sails the ship." Wendy says while looking at the ship.

I look up to see the ship in the distance. Wait, what? I told him to sail it to Neverland! And then I would catch up afterward! Eh, he probably just wanted to wait for me.

"George. George." Mr.s Darling calls out to Mr. Darling as she stares at the ship.

"Now what, Mary?" Mr. Darling asks. He then sounds surprised as he sees the ship. "Nana, did you see...?" He starts to ask Nana.

Nana then barks in happiness.

Oh, I'm sure going to miss Nana.

"You know, I have the strangest feeling that I've seen that ship before. A long time ago, when I was very young." Mr. Darling says as he walks towards the window.

"George, dear." Mrs. Darling says as she stands next to Mr. Darling.

"Father." Wendy says as she stands on the other side of Mr. Darling.

I quickly peek down to see them looking up at the ship.

I then take this moment to look up and admire how the ship looks in the distance.

I sure am going to miss this family.

Once everyone is in bed, I fly off the roof and head over to Peter and the ship. I then land next to Peter as he steers the ship while Tinkerbell is sitting by the steering wheel.

"You Just had  to wait for me." I say to Peter jokingly.

"Well, I didn't want you to fly back to Neverland alone." Peter says to me.

I then playfully roll my eyes afterwards.

"Come on, Val. Off to Neverland." Peter says as he flies the ship to the second star to the right.

I run down to the deck, which is where the Lost Boys are looking down at London, and head to the front of the ship. I then stand at the edge of the jibboom (Which is the stick thing in the front of a ship) and look ahead of me.

"Yeah. Off to Neverland." I say while looking at the second star to the right with a smile on my face.

The End

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