one: roughed up

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Every bone in your body aches as you shuffle back into the bullpen with the team

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Every bone in your body aches as you shuffle back into the bullpen with the team. Getting shoved against a wall and punched in the face by a psycho unsub will do that to you—and you cannot wait to get back home and take the most relaxing fucking bath of your life. Maybe you'll even call up Michael for a casual fuck just to let out some tension.

"Is it just me or was that case especially brutal?"

Prentiss' voice is tired as she leans against her desk, her go bag on her shoulder. You nod, exhaling slowly through your nose. You prop yourself up on your desk, letting the go bag plop down on the floor.

"I think she really got the blunt of it though," Spencer says, nodding his head at you and pouring him a cup of coffee. How this man can drink coffee at 8pm is absolutely beyond you. "He, uh, really roughed you up."

You glance at Spencer. "Well, I like being roughed up, but it's different on the job."

The rest of the team laughs and you see a blush creep over Spencer's cheeks, his gaze going straight to the floor as he takes a sip from his coffee. Joking about sex is interesting when Spencer is around—your young colleague can't seem to hold it together when the rest of the team talked about any sort of sexual encounter. You watch him push his brown hair out of his face, his cheeks still a bright red. He shifts his weight, clearing his throat a little.

You pull out your chair and sit down, pulling out the report the whole team has to file after each case. Writing down your perspective of the details, your mind retraces every step of the case you just worked. You glance up and see Spencer at his desk across from yours, furiously writing his report, his tongue pressed to the corner of his mouth in concentration. His hazel eyes scan the report quickly, biting down on the end of his pen. He looks up, meeting your eyes. A hint of red is in his cheeks and you hold his gaze until he looks away.

Spencer is cute—that much you can admit. The air of innocence surrounding him is alluring in a weird way, an innocence you've noticed since he started working at the BAU a year ago. You're a few years older than Spencer, having worked at the BAU for two. As young as he is, he's absolutely essential to the team as a whole. He's so fucking smart, it astounds you sometimes.

You finish your report, standing up and promptly walking to Hotch's office, setting it down on his desk. Hotch nods at you, setting the file on a stack.

"Good work today," Hotch praises. "I'm sorry you got hurt."

You shrug your shoulders, fingers lightly brushing against the faint bruise starting to form around your right eye. "I've had worse, Hotch. Bruises heal."

A ghost of a smile flashes on his face. "Good work, nonetheless."

You thank him and leave his office, stopping at your desk to pick up your go bag. Spencer is still sitting at his desk, eyes grazing over a book, criss cross in his chair. You raise your eyebrows at him, leaning against your desk.

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