three: permission

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You immediately pull Spencer inside your room, letting the door shut behind him

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You immediately pull Spencer inside your room, letting the door shut behind him. His eyes widen at your quick movements, letting his back touch the light brown wood of your door. You really hoped no one had seen him in front of your door—not because you would be ashamed, but because you don't want anyone on the team finding out. You glance down his body to see the boner straining his sweatpants.

"S-sorry, I just thought..." Spencer's cheeks turn pink, stumbling over his words. "I can go." He begins to turn around.

You grab his shoulder, turning him back around. "No, don't." You study his face, noticing the way his pupils dilate the longer you look at him, the blush creeping down his neck. "You really want me to?"

Spencer averts his gaze. "I...yes." He inhales deeply, looking up at you again. "I, I haven't ever done anything with anyone. Ever."

You search his eyes. "Are you sure you want to lose some of your firsts to me?"

"Yes." He doesn't even hesitate, a sign that he is absolutely sure. With how much Spencer thinks, you know he's had to have thought about this decision for a while.

You close the distance between the two of you, your hand going from his shoulder to his neck. You don't squeeze, just let it sit there and marvel at the way Spencer's breath hitches in his throat. Your body is flush against his, feeling his hard length press against you through his sweatpants. Despite him being taller than you, you know you're in control. He looks down at you and you feel him swallow.

"I trust you." His words vibrate the hand at his neck.

You smirk at him, head tilting a bit. "I'm not like a lot of girls, Spencer. I like control." You apply the smallest amount of pressure to his neck.

"T-that's fine," Spencer whispers, feeling a small groan crawl up his throat.

You tilt his head to the side, lips connecting with the spot right below his ear. He inhales sharply, his hands going to rest on the sides of your hips. You plant a kiss on the corner of his prominent jaw, using your left hand to move his right to rest on your ass, making him pull you closer to him. He lets out an audible moan, his hand squeezing your ass softly.

"Are you naturally submissive, Spencer?" You ask, lips trailing over his jaw.

Your hand tightens a little more around his neck as you move your lips to the other side, repeating your actions. This time, you suck softly at the spot below his ear, his hips jolting slightly.

"Ah," he whimpers, and you feel his dick twitch against you.

You pull away, grinning. "That's a yes." You brush your thumb across his chin. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you this time."

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