five: punishment

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Spencer follows you up the stairs to your apartment

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Spencer follows you up the stairs to your apartment. You push the key in the door and open it, throwing your keys down on the stand by the door. You motion for Spencer to come inside and he quickly crosses the threshold. Shutting the door, you watch Spencer's eyes glance around your apartment.

It's clean—you don't really enjoy messy. The living room has a black plush couch with a white coffee table in front of it, a TV sitting on a little table in the corner. A couple of soft blankets are folded on the couch along with some pillows. A small bookshelf is in the corner—filled with books you read as a child and throughout college. The kitchen is small, white countertops and cabinets. Sink, fridge, dishwasher—normal kitchen shit.

"Want anything to drink?" You ask him, walking past him into the kitchen.


You grab a glass and fill it with fridge water, handing it to him. He sips it tentatively and you slip off your shoes.

"Make yourself at home."

He follows you into your bedroom and you sit on the edge of the maroon comforter, leaning back on your hands. He had brought his bag in with him, still strapped across his torso, hands hugging the strap like he might explode.

"Seriously, Spencer, relax, it's just me."

He nods, taking off his bag and setting it on the ground next to the door. You tilt your head and stand, motioning him forward. He shuffles closer until he's right in front of you and you tilt your head up, connecting your lips with his. He kisses you back, one hand resting on the side of your face, the other on your hip. You wrap one arm around him, twisting your fingers in his soft hair, pulling him closer to you. He groans softly into your mouth and you trace his lower lip with your tongue. He opens his mouth and you slip your tongue inside, deepening the kiss. His hand on your hip moves to snake around your waist, pulling you flush with his body, his hips pressing into yours.

You pull away, biting his bottom lip teasingly. "It's time for your punishment."

An immediate blush spreads across his cheeks. "Is it gonna hurt?"

You shrug, moving to sit back down on the edge of the bed. "Depends. Do you remember your safe word?"

He nods. "Tolstoy."

You grin. "Perfect. Now take off your pants and your shirt."

Spencer kneels down and unties his shoes, pulling his Converse off quickly. His hands work to unbutton his belt and you watch them, his long and slender fingers working at the buckle. He discards the belt to the side before unbuttoning his shirt, letting it hit the floor as it slides off his shoulders and down his arms. Your eyes graze across his pale skin, noticing the way his stomach tenses as he exhales. He unbuttons his pants, pulling them down and kicking them out of the way. This leaves him in his pair of purple boxers—of course—his half-hard dick already making a bulge in them.

Your grin grows wider and you meet his eyes. "Come lay on my lap."

Spencer's eyes widen slightly when the pieces click in his genius brain, hesitating only a moment before crossing to you. You scoot back on the bed and he lays across your lap on his stomach, his abdomen and crotch pressed against your legs. His head lays across his crossed arms, looking to the left.

His body jolts slightly when you run a single finger down his spine, a shudder running through him. You stop at the curve of his ass, your finger barely running under the elastic of his waistband.

"You came without my permission, and now you have be punished," you murmur, your right hand snaking to grip the back of his neck. He groans softly as your other hand squeezes his ass. "Ten times. Count for me. And remember your safe word."

"O-okay," he stutters, his voice breathy.

You smirk before bringing your hand down on Spencer's ass, the slap ringing through the air. It isn't that hard—you don't want to hurt him. Not yet, anyway. You hear him let out a breathy whimper, feeling the way his pulse jumps as you grip his neck.


You bring your hand down again, hearing the sharp inhale from Spencer.


Two spanks in succession on the same cheek, an actual moan leaving Spencer as he counts them off. He likes this. You feel his dick harden against your lap, his hips trying to move to gain some sort of friction to help him out. You grip his hips.

"No, no. No moving. Be a good boy and you might get a reward."

He stops squirming, his breathing labored as you spank him again, a whine flying past Spencer's lips.


You pull down his underwear, letting his dick spring free, pushed against his stomach as he lies across your lap. You squeeze his ass again, the skin a faint pink color. Your fingers move from his neck to his hair, tugging it slightly as you spank him again, this time skin on skin.

He inhales through his teeth, his dick twitching against his stomach. "S-six."

Seeing Spencer Reid in front of you, offering his ass so willingly to you, turns you on beyond belief. Your hand connects with his ass again, a loud whine leaving Spencer as your grip tightens on his hair.


"You're doing so well, baby boy. Just three more."

You give him two hard slaps to one cheek, a soft cry coming from Spencer followed by a moan. The skin turns a dark red and you smirk, rubbing your hands over the skin softly.

"Eight. N-nine!"

Your hand comes down on his ass one more time, the harsh sound of the slap filling the room, followed by Spencer's count and a string of whimpers. You rub his ass softly, trying to soothe the irritated skin. His ass is almost as red as his face when he blushes. It's kinda cute.

"You did so well," you praise, "Such a good boy."

You release Spencer's hair, his head flopping forward again on his arms as he tries to slow his labored breathing. Your hands play with his ass, wanting so badly to spread his fucking cheeks and shove two fingers inside. You think for a moment and tilt your head.

"Spencer, I need to know if any part of you is off limits," you tell him, your voice laced with seriousness. "Are there any parts of you I can't touch or lick or kiss?"

Spencer thinks for a moment, turning his head back a little to look at you. "U-um, just my feet?"

"I probably wasn't going to go near them anyway, if I'm honest."

Spencer laughs, the laugh turning to a half moan as his dick presses against his stomach again. "I-I think that's it."


You spread his ass cheeks slightly, eyes landing on Spencer's asshole. You smirk before gathering spit in your mouth, letting it drip down until it comes in contact with the puckered hole. Spencer gasps, his hands moving to grip the comforter as he realizes what you're going to do.

"You took your punishment like a good boy. And good boys deserve good rewards."

You slowly trace a finger around his asshole, hearing a small whimper from him. You know you have to go slow, especially because he's a virgin—which would change soon enough. You apply the slightest pressure to your pointer finger, already starting to stretch him a little. Spencer groans, shifting a little to raise his ass slightly.

Holy shit, he wants you to finger his ass.

You bite your bottom lip, halting what you're doing.

"Get up for a minute. I need to get something."

He stands, his hard dick hitting his stomach as you go to your dress, bringing out a bottle of lube. You situate yourself back on the bed, motioning him to come forward. He obliges, face red as he situates himself back on your lap, his ass raised a little higher so you have better access.

You spread his ass cheeks again before squirting a little lube out, letting a couple fingers spread it around his asshole. You use the same finger as before, slowly pushing it inside his ass. After a moment, it sinks in, a loud moan coming from Spencer.

"Fuck," he groans, his hands clenching the comforter.

You keep it inside of him, letting him adjust to your finger. You curl it slightly and his hips jolt, an instinctual reaction.

"S-sorry," Spencer says, voice muffled.

"It's okay."

After a minute, you pull your finger out of him, but not completely. You slowly begin thrusting it in and out of him, hearing his little whimpers and moans of pleasure as you do. You try to find his sweet spot, knowing as soon as you hit it, he'll crumble.

"Can I add another finger?" You ask, wanting to make sure.

"P-please." You didn't expect him to beg, but his voice is pleading nonetheless.

You add a little more lube, wanting it to be comfortable for him as you slowly push your middle finger inside alongside your pointer. His moan is louder, his back arching slightly as you push them all the way inside of his ass. And as you thrust all the way in, there you feel it. The little muscular bundle of nerves just waiting to be touched.

The next time you thrust your fingers inside, you thrust them toward Spencer's prostate, his whole body shuddering as you hit it.

"Oh, f-fuck!" Spencer cries out, his hips moving slightly. You hold them down. "What the fuck is that?"

"I would think a boy genius like you knows about the prostate," you murmur as you begin thrusting into him at a moderate pace, hitting his prostate each time.

Each time, his body jolts, Spencer's moans growing louder. "I-I do know what it is, I just didn't expect it to f-feel like that."

"Do you know guys can cum just from having their prostate stimulated?" You ask him as you thrust deeper.

Spencer can't answer, his words mixed up in a jumble of moans and whimpers as you press against the little bundle of nerves. You pump your fingers faster, wanting to hear him scream as you make him finish.

"Remember to ask if you can cum," you remind him, smirking as you feel his dick twitch against your lap, his back arching for a better angle.

"P-Plea..." Spencer is a mess of moans and whimpers, his big brain unable to form a string of words together to form a sentence. "P-please can I..."

He cuts himself off as he moans louder, your fingers thrusting harder down, wanting to feel him unravel in front of you.

"Cum for me, baby boy."

He yells out as you thrust against his prostate again, his dick throbbing as his cum spills across your lap and onto the floor. You slow your thrusts as he finishes, a string of incoherent moans and whimpers flying past his lips, his whole body shaking slightly. After a moment, you slowly remove your fingers from his ass, hearing him whine softly as you do. He attempts to steady his breathing, his hands still gripping the comforter.

You reach for his hair, running your hands through it softly. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, that was just intense," he replies, trying to attempt to look at you from his awkward angle.

He slowly pulls himself off of you, eventually sitting on the bed next to you. He eyes your pants, noticing the cum still on them, a sheepish grin sliding across his face.

"I'm sorry about the...y'know, on your pants," he apologizes.

You laugh. "It's alright, I've had worse."

Spencer looks at the stream of cum on your pants for a moment before swiping his finger across it, gathering it, and pushing it into his mouth. Your mouth flies open as Spencer meets your eyes, sucking softly on his fingers. You're already wet enough from seeing him be a whiny little mess in front of you—now you can add "sucked his own cum right off his fingers in front of you" to the things that make you wet as fuck.

You stand, lifting Spencer off the bed when you put a finger under his chin. "Take my clothes off."

He obliges, pulling your shirt over your head quickly. His fingers fumble with the clasp on the back of your bra and you help him unclasp it, a blush forming across his cheeks and neck as you toss it to the side. Your pants are next, kicking those off before Spencer slowly pulls your underwear down, kneeling in front of you as you step out of them.

"As pretty as you look kneeling in front of my pussy like that, I want to sit on your face."

Spencer swallows hard and stands, moving to the bed, laying flat on his back, waiting for you. You make your way over to him, straddling his face. You face the rest of his body, your hands resting on his chest as you hover over his face.

"Do you think you deserve to have my cum in your mouth?" You ask, your pussy practically dripping as his hands rest on the sides of your thighs.

"I've been so good," he whispers, his breath hot against your pussy.

You inhale deeply as you lower yourself onto his face. Spencer Reid might be a lot of things—a virgin being one of them—but god, does that man know how to use his tongue. His tongue runs up and down your slit before it flicks around the little bundle of nerves. You groan, digging your nails into his chest as he takes it in his mouth. He flicks his tongue over it, and you slowly grind your hips against his face.

His grip tightens on your thighs as he moves his mouth to the soaking entrance of your pussy, slowly pushing his tongue inside. You clench around his tongue and he moans into you as he begins slowly fucking your cunt with his tongue.

"Fuck, that feels so good," you praise, your head leaning forward slightly.

He moves his lips to connect with your clit again, taking it between his teeth lightly. You jolt, a loud moan leaving you as he sucks on it. You feel the knot tighten in your stomach, so close to release. You grind against him faster, his tongue flicking over your clit repeatedly.

"Fuck, baby boy, just like that! I'm so fucking close. Make me cum."

You feel his moan rather than hear it, vibrating your clit as he works faster, wanting to please you. He sucks harshly on it, his tongue swirling around the little bundle of nerves faster as you cry out. Your orgasm washes over you, a wall of ecstasy hitting you like a train as you cum on Spencer's face. His tongue moves to the entrance of your pussy, lapping up all of your cum as your thighs shake, coming down from your orgasm slowly.

After a moment, you lift up off Spencer's face. He takes in a deep breath as you climb off him. Glancing down, you take in the sight of him. Cheeks, mouth, and chin glistening with your cum, face flushed, tongue swiping over his lips. You lean down, capturing his lips in a kiss which he returns eagerly. Breaking the kiss, you notice his now hard again dick, but you can't muster the energy to do anything about that.

You lay next to Spencer for a moment, giving him small kisses, playing with his hair as you both try to recuperate from the intense orgasms you'd both had. Spencer looks at you, a question in his eyes.

"What?" You ask, propping yourself up on your right elbow.

He hesitates. "So...after all of this," he gestures to the room and the two of you, "why do you do that? Kiss me and lay with me and stuff?"

You smile softly at him. "Do you know what a sub drop is?" He shakes his head. "After someone is submissive in bed, a lot of the time after sex or hooking up or whatever they were submissive for, they go into this state known as a sub drop. They can feel sad, drained of energy, used." Spencer nods, his face still turned toward you. "I don't want you to feel like you're being used or for you to feel sad afterwards, so the kissing and lying around and cuddling—that's aftercare, so the drop isn't as harsh."

Spencer nods, a small smile on his face. "So it's to make me feel better?"

"Yeah, Spence, it is."

You stand up, legs a little wobbly. "I'm going to shower. You can shower after me, if you want? And it's super late, so you can stay here with me tonight. I don't mind."

Spencer sits up, yawning. "Okay. Yeah, okay."

You walk over and kiss him again, softly this time, your fingers running softly over his cheeks. Turning around, you walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind you.

You shower quickly, washing your hair and body, throwing on a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top. You brush through your hair and exit the bathroom, smiling at Spencer.

"Feel free," you gesture to the bathroom and he nods before walking inside and closing the door.

You dig out an old pair of sweatpants and a shirt for Spencer, not wanting him to sleep in his work clothes. You open the door to the bathroom slightly.

"Spence, I'm leaving you some clothes on the counter. Towels are under the sink."

"Thank you!" He replies.

You shut the door and lay back in bed, body tired after such an intense orgasm. You yawn, looking toward the bathroom door. Tonight had taken a turn you didn't expect—fingering Spencer was not on the list of things you thought you were going to do today. But it was...pleasing. Being friends with benefits or whatever the fuck you are with Spencer is easy—and you like that.

After about fifteen minutes, Spencer comes out of the bathroom, hair damp. He has on the clothes you gave him and he stands awkwardly by the bed.

"Do I...I mean, do we—"

"Come here."

He slides into bed next to you, resting his head on your chest, his hair tickling your neck. You wrap an arm around him, playing with his hair, his left arm wrapping around your waist. You reach over and turn off the lamp in your room, leaving you and Spencer in the dark.


"Hm?" He sounds sleepy, his voice vibrating your chest.

"Good night." You kiss the top of his head.

"Night," he mumbles, seeming to already be asleep by the end of his sentence.

You keep your arm around Spencer, a weird feeling washing over you. You shake it off before closing your eyes, and within minutes, you're sleeping, too.

Author's Note
Two chapters in one day? Who am I?
Also, we finally did butt stuff with Spencer, yayyy. It might not be pegging but we're inching closer. This chapter is definitely pure smut with a little fluff mixed in. I want to make it very clear that the Reader isn't just using Spencer.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter :) Feel free to comment, I can always tone down the butt stuff if y'all aren't into it, lmaoooo

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