eighteen: temptation

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TW: mentions of drugs and drug addiction

"Hotch, I have to go in the ambulance with her!" Spencer's voice is panicked as he follows the paramedics

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"Hotch, I have to go in the ambulance with her!" Spencer's voice is panicked as he follows the paramedics. "I'll meet you at the hospital."

Spencer climbs into the ambulance with shaky legs, sitting in the rig next to Y/n. He grabs her hand, tears streaming down his face as he watches the woman he loves unconscious next to him.

"Is she going to be okay?" Spencer asks quietly, eyes flicking to the paramedic in front of him. "The bullet hit her left side, s-so it could've hit her stomach o-or her kidneys."

The paramedic attaches some wires to her, getting her vitals. His eyes flick up to meet Spencer's.

"What's your name?" The paramedic asks, looking back down at Y/n.

"S-Spencer," he stutters out, clutching her hand tighter.

"Spencer, hi, I'm Josh," he gives him a sympathetic smile. "We're going to take really good care of Y/n, okay?"

Spencer nods, biting the inside of his cheek as he looks down at her. She's pale, Josh's hands moving to apply pressure to the gunshot wound on her side. Spencer rubs his thumb over the side of her hand, like it would somehow comfort the unconscious girl in front of him.

The ride to the hospital is quick, and Spencer hops off the ambulance, immediately reconnecting his hand with Y/n's. He's led through the emergency room doors when his hand is torn from hers, a paramedic holding him back.

"Wait, no! I have to go with her!" Spencer yells, looking at them wheeling her away.

"Sir, you can't go into the operating room, that's where they're taking her." The paramedic's voice is calm, gripping Spencer's shoulders.

Spencer shakes her off, his heart racing as he looks at the direction they took her. He curls his hands into fists, his lower lip trembling.


He looks to the right, noticing the team walking over to him. Prentiss walks over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder, looking at him empathetically.

"Spence, we need to go get you changed, okay?" She speaks softly.

Spencer knits his eyebrows in confusion before her words register. He looks down at himself. His top and part of his pants have blood on them. His hands are covered with blood, the sight alone making him nauseous. Blood doesn't make him queasy—but this is Y/n's blood. It's literally on his hands.

He slowly nods and the team leads him over to the waiting area. Prentiss has her arm wrapped around him gently, the other team members sitting down. After a moment, a nurse comes over, holding a pair of scrubs for Spencer.

"You can use one of our showers, if you want," the nurse says, Spencer's eyes flicking to her face.

Wordlessly, he takes the scrubs and nods, letting the nurse lead him into a little bathroom with a shower. He shuts and locks the door before turning to look at himself in the mirror.

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