ninteteen : innocence

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Y'all might hate me at the end of
this chapter and I'M SORRY!

"Spencer, it's fine, I can walk!" You protest as Spencer wraps his arm around your back, helping you up the steps to your apartment

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"Spencer, it's fine, I can walk!" You protest as Spencer wraps his arm around your back, helping you up the steps to your apartment.

He scoffs. "You got shot two weeks ago. Please let me help?"

You sigh before slipping your arm around his neck, leaning on him as you climb the last few steps. The two of you reach the front door and you fumble for your keys, unlocking your door and stepping into your apartment for the first time in two whole weeks.

Spencer helps you inside, and you sit down on your couch, wincing slightly. The wound on your side had closed—thank god—but it still hurt if you overexerted your stomach. Spencer walks into the kitchen, and you hear him filling up a cup of water. He brings it to you, grinning as he plops down next to you.

"Here, drink this. You have to stay hydrated."

You take the water and chug it, setting the cup down on the table in front of you. You turn toward Spencer, his hazel eyes looking into yours. Smiling, you grab him by his shirt, twisting the fabric in your hands. Pulling him to you, you plant a kiss on his lips. He cups your face lightly, kissing you back, his thumbs rubbing softly over your cheeks.

Leaning back, you grin. "I appreciate you coming to help me."

Spencer's hands trail down the side of your neck and down to your shoulders. "It's the least I can do for you, especially after what you've done for me. Plus, I love you."

You reach up and run your fingers through his hair. "I love you."

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asks, grabbing the remote.

You nod. "Sure. Star Wars?"

Spencer raises his eyebrows. "Which one?"

"Can we start with number one and move our way forward?" You ask.

He smiles. "Sure."

He puts on the movie and lays down on the couch. You adjust yourself to lay beside him, half of your body practically on top of his. His arm snakes around your back, your head resting right under his chin. Your right arm is splayed over his chest, your right leg tossed over his legs.

He runs his fingers up and down your back lightly as you watch the movie, your heartbeats seeming to sync as you lay against one another. Toward the end of the movie, you look up at him, his eyes glued to the screen. You grin softly, your lips connecting with the base of his neck and sucking softly. His grip on your back tightens, his breath hitching in his throat.

The doctor hadn't said no sex—she just said no super strenuous activities.

You kiss up Spencer's neck, leaving small hickeys in your wake. Spencer's breathing deepens slightly as you suck on the sweet spot right under his ear, a little moan coming from him. You kiss to across his jaw, your lips hovering next to his as you meet his eyes.

Innocence [ spencer reid x reader ] ✔Where stories live. Discover now