eleven: revelations

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You arrive in the roundtable room with coffee in hand, quickly sitting down in a chair

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You arrive in the roundtable room with coffee in hand, quickly sitting down in a chair. "Sorry I'm late, there was traffic."

Spencer is already seated, eyeing you slightly. He looks fucking cute in his red shirt and little brown jacket. JJ looks around at the team, pursing her lips.

"Two victims were killed an hour ago in their home in Atlanta—Dennis and Lacy Kyle were murdered inside of their home after hosting a small Super Bowl party. They were slaughtered." JJ looked at the screen. "The police were on the scene very fast—one of the unsubs called the police telling him the partner was about to murder the couple."

"Were any names mentioned?" Hotch asks, furrowing his brow.

"One of them is named Raphael. He said he was going to kill the sinners that lived there."

"Someone's religious," Morgan quips.

"The police found this on the bed," JJ says, a picture of a bible with a highlighted passage showing up on the screen.

"Revelations, chapter six, verse eight." You raise your eyebrows. The team looks at you questioningly. "I'm not religious—just raised where religion is very prominent."

"So they're mission based," Prentiss says.

"Mission based sinners won't stop killing," Spencer says, a frown on his face.

"Let's get back to Georgia. Wheels up in ten."

The team breaks off and you grab the go bag by your desk and start walking to the tarmac. Spencer catches up with you, his own bag slung over his shoulder.

"You were raised religiously?" He asks, keeping his gaze forward.

You shrug. "Eh, I tried the religion thing. It didn't work out."

The pair of you boarded the jet and took a seat. The flight to Atlanta isn't a long one. You came prepared, opening the book you had with you. Garcia's talk about the Witcher a couple weeks before had convinced you to start reading the books. After about half an hour on the jet, you heard Garcia's voice ring through the little video monitor.

"I just got the nine-one-one call."

You stand, listening in as the call rings through the small jet. The first unsub has a higher-pitched voice, notes of fear and hesitation laced in it.

"Too much stuff? What does that mean?" Spencer's eyebrows furrow.

The second unsub's voice takes over, deeper, more controlled. After the call, Prentiss raises an eyebrow.

"Maybe unsub one is doing it against his will?" She says.

"Not likely," Hotch replies, sighing. "This is a bad one."

"Raphael mentions himself in the third person. Do you think there could be another unsub?" JJ asks.

Spencer shakes his head. "A lot of serial killers refer to themselves in the third person. It's not uncommon."

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