two: make a move

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"The victims what?"

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"The victims what?"

Your voice rings out around the roundtable room, mouth agape as you stare at the pictures of the victims in front of you. The team had been called in to assess a new case—and a brutal one at that. JJ shifts uncomfortably as she stands in front of the team.

"Each of the victims was found with," JJ clears her throat, "their fingers and toes cut off. The bodies are disposed of in water, but cause of death isn't drowning."

"Jesus," you mutter, glancing around the room.

"Any evidence of sexual assault?" Morgan asks.

JJ nods. "Yes. Cause of death is stabbing."

"Sexual sadist." Hotch says, glancing around the room at the team. "His victims are all women. Same physical appearance."

"He has a type," Prentiss notices. "Red hair, brown eyes. Anywhere between five foot three and five foot five."

You see Spencer staring down at the file, his eyebrows knit together. You can see him analyzing the crime scene photos, his brain already working ten thousand miles a minute. He raises his eyes and meets yours, a small blush appearing on his cheeks as he looks away.

You smile to yourself before averting your gaze. It's been two weeks since Spencer stumbled upon that little scene between you and Michael. Ever since, Spencer hasn't been avoiding you, but every time you even glance in his general direction, he gets flustered. A very large part of you likes that you seem to have that effect on him. Every so often, your mind would wander to the bulge you saw in Spencer's pants when you confronted him—a very nice looking bulge, might you add.

You've never really thought of Spencer in that way, but ever since the incident, you find yourself thinking more and more of what it would feel like to wrap your fingers around Spencer's neck and kissing his pretty little lips. To have him completely at your mercy. That thought alone makes a knot form in your lower stomach and you shift in your seat.

Hotch's deep voice pulls you out of your thoughts.

"Wheels up in thirty."

You close the case file before standing up, watching the rest of the team file out the door. Most of the team leaves the bullpen to get their go bags, leaving Spencer alone at his desk, his go bag already sitting on it. You watch him unzip it and place three books gently inside, his fingers fiddling with the zipper as he closes it. He sits in his chair, leaning back as his eyes scan over the case file once again. You grab the file and walk to your desk, leaning against the side.

"What books are you bringing this time?"

Spencer looks up at you, his neck turning pink. "U-uh, One Thousand and One Nights, War and Peace, and Great Expectations."

"Ah," you say, crossing your arms in front of you. "Nothing like good ol' Charles Dickens." Your eyes rake down his body, resting on his crotch for a moment before flicking back up to his face.

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