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The school was packed, filled to the brim with teenagers being teenagers: spreading gossip, playing jokes, and huddling in cliques like tigers on the prowl. It was passing period, and the hallways were chaotic as always with kids flooding in every direction.

Among these kids were two boys, chatting lazily as they sauntered over to their next class.

"Hey, did you see the new movie that came out? You know, the one about the shy guy and the popular girl and they ended up getting together?" One boy asked. He was short and bulky. His scary demeanor made up for his lack in height, but his friend was never fazed. He had jet black hair and a rather pointy face, but as he was talking to the older, his guard was down and you could see the passion burning in his eyes.

The older shook his head, laughing a little bit at the shorter. "Good lord, Changbin, do you really think I'd watch that?"

The blacked haired one, Changbin, looked offended. "Excuse me? Minho, you just don't have an appreciation for the classic cinematic tropes that never get old. That movie was so good!"

Minho scowled and stuck out his tongue. "Ugh, whatever floats your boat, Binnie." Minho teased the younger, who puffed out his chest but didn't look the least bit intimidating due to his small stature. Minho was easily a couple inches taller than him, with ginger hair that hung over his forehead. He was lean with a delicate face and wide eyes.

"Anyways, I hate how they always romanticize high school. It's not like it's ever going to happen."

"You can't help but hope," Changbin shrugged.

Suddenly, someone slammed directly into Minho, making him lose his balance and stumble back. The other boy who ran into him, on the other hand, was sitting on the floor, his stuff scattered all around him.

"Whoa- watch out," Minho muttered, rubbing his head. He held his hand out to help the other boy up.

The boy on the floor looked up and saw a hand out to help him up. He looked up at the face to which the hand belonged to, and his breath caught.

"Oh," he whispered to himself.

And that's where it all started.

Minho looked down at the boy sitting on the floor, who finally looked up, and they met eyes.

The boy's brown eyes were practically glittering as he sat, looking up at Minho. His mouth was slightly agape, and he looked a little bit dazed. Maybe he ran into Minho a little too hard. He had light brown hair and big eyes. He was small and slender, with slight arms and legs. However, his cheeks were full, giving him a softer look. He was flushed, and his hair was awry.

"Hey, you okay?" Minho asked softly as the boy grasped his hand and stood up. His grip was firm but his hands were soft, and the boy couldn't stop thinking about it.

The boy didn't respond, but he couldn't turn away from Minho. He was still clutching Minho's hand, and quickly let go of it when he realized what has just happened.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head. He scrambled to pick up all of his stuff as students continued to stream past him, completely ignoring the boy and his mess. The brunette was about to walk away when someone called out.

"Hey wait! ...Jisung?" A light voice said. Jisung spun around, wondering who was talking to him. He met eyes with the ginger haired boy for the second time and felt his cheeks flare up again. The boy held out a few papers. "These are yours."

Jisung nodded and took the papers, quickly muttering a thank you and leaving before he could embarrass himself any more.

"Pffft, what was that?" Changbin laughed, slapping his leg. He lightly pushed Minho. "That totally looked like it came straight out of a romance movie."

Minho pushed his hair out of his face, rolling his eyes at his friend as he started walking. "Shut up. Don't be a dumbass and get to class."

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