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The week away from school passed uneventfully for Minho, who just lazed around and played video games all day. He hadn't heard from Jisung at all during the week, but he figured it would be that way. Why would Jisung need to message Minho anyways? Minho wasn't that important in Jisung's life; they were just friends, right? Still, Minho had to resist reaching for his phone just to send a quick text asking what was going on.

The morning they returned to school, Minho bolted awake, excitedly getting ready for school. He couldn't wait to see Jisung again and hear his stories. Minho wondered what Jisung did on his grandparents' farm over the break, and he couldn't wait to see Jisung's heart shaped smile as he talked, eagerly looking Minho in the eye while he explained something. Minho realized that he was acting like a little kid and tried to suppress his giddiness.

He guessed he missed Jisung more than he thought, but Minho decided not to worry about that and instead looked for Jisung during passing period after his first class. He waited in his usual spot for Jisung. He anxiously tapped his feet as he scanned the passing faces, trying to find one in particular. However, several minutes passed, and there was no sign of that particular brown haired boy.

"Maybe he had to talk to the teacher," Minho mumbled to himself as he turned and left. He couldn't be late to second period, but he desperately wanted to walk with Jisung. When he arrived in his literature class, he slumped into his desk. Changbin, who sat behind him, kicked Minho's chair.

"Where's loverboy?" He teased, and Minho snarled, "Shut up."

The thing was, Minho had no clue where Jisung was. Should he text him? He looked over to Jisung's empty desk, and Minho glanced at Jisung's group of friends, who were all talking quietly. At one point, they all glanced at Minho, who looked back, then they all turned back and whispered in their huddle some more.

Something was obviously wrong, and Minho was dying to know what happened. Should he text Jisung? Minho was about to take his phone out when the bell rang. Their lit teacher was especially strict, and she didn't allow any cell phone use during class, so Minho sighed and tucked his phone back in his pocket.

Time flew as Minho continued to go through his day, but he always felt this particular emptiness during passing period, a cool feeling on his side where Jisung's warmth should've been. Finally, it was lunch, and Minho was exhausted from worrying all day. He didn't know what was going on with Jisung, so on his way to his lunch table, he stopped by Jisung's.

Jeongin turned and saw that Minho was walking up to their lunch table. His eyes widened and he hastily whispered, "Minho's coming! Are we going to tell him?"

Hyunjin glanced over then whispered back, "I definitely don't want to tell him."

Seungmin grimaced, "I'll break the news," he said grimly, turning to face Minho just as he walked up to the table.

"Do you guys know what happened to Jisung?" Minho asked worriedly. He was standing by the table, the rest of the boys sitting down, staring up at Minho with sad eyes.

"Minho," Seungmin said, "Jisung was visiting his grandparents over the break, and he got into a car accident. He's in the hospital right now." He paused, gauging Minho's reaction. The ginger stood there, stoic, with only his clenched fists as a sign of his emotions. "His grandma passed, and right now he's in a bad condition. He's lucky he survived."

"When did it happen?" Minho was barely able to talk, his jaw clenched.

"Tuesday," Seungmin said sadly. "He's been in the hospital since then."

Minho nodded, then went back to his table. He couldn't eat; his stomach was way too uneasy for him to stomach anything. He had to go visit Jisung after school.

"What happened?" Chan asked, seeing that Minho was obviously upset.

"Jisung's in the hospital," Minho gritted out.

"Is he okay?" Chan and Changbin asked, concerned for Jisung and also surprised at Minho's reaction.

"He better be," Minho said, then sat silently for the rest of the day, which dragged on and on and on. 

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