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Minho's head was pounding, and he shut his eyes tightly as he stretched. Something felt a little bit off, and it was more than the fact that Minho was hungover. He rolled over, his eyes still closed, and he frowned as he tried to figure out what was different. His sheets smelled different. They smelled like passing period, when Minho was walking next to...Jisung.

Minho's eyes shot open, and he looked and saw Jisung walking into the bedroom, looking equally as surprised.

Jisung's cheeks turned a light pink, and he clutched the convenience store bag in his hands and smiled shyly. "How are you feeling?"

Minho was, honestly, embarrassed. He couldn't believe that he made a fool out of himself and got blackout drunk and somehow ended up in Jisung's bed. And, if he remembers correctly, Minho might've confessed to Jisung last night.

To be honest, Minho wasn't actually sure of his feelings with Jisung. He was sure the affection he felt towards Jisung was more than just a friend, but Minho didn't want to accept that he actually liked Jisung, although he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because of the fact that someone as soft and energetic as Jisung was able to make Minho fall for him, or maybe it was because Minho had always rejected Jisung so often that he was a bit guilty for changing his mind.

Minho was definitely overthinking his feelings, though. When he was drunk, he just let it slip. And Minho will never tell Jisung, but as soon as he confessed, he felt a weight being lifted off of his shoulders and he felt happier than he has felt in a while. Minho had been vulnerable and laid himself bare when he was intoxicated, probably because he wouldn't do it sober.

He eyed Jisung, his cheeks warm. "My head hurts a little."

Jisung sat down on his bed, rummaging through the plastic bag he had with him. From it, he drew some hangover cure and a coffee milk.

"Here, drink this," Jisung said softly, staring at Minho's hands instead of looking at him in the eye. Jisung didn't know what to do since Minho confessed last night, and he wasn't sure if he should bring it up to Minho right now.

Minho pouted, but took the hangover cure and drank his coffee milk. It was quiet, and Jisung was looking at Minho, but the ginger-haired boy refused to look back at him, stubbornly turning his head away from Jisung.

After a pause, Minho looked over at Jisung, curious as to what he was doing and wondering if Jisung was going to try to get Minho to look at him. When he turned, Jisung was still looking at him, his wide eyes sparkling. The ginger-haired boy set down his coffee milk, then turned back to Jisung.

Suddenly, Jisung's lips were on Minho's. The older froze. Jisung had sat forward, his hands resting on his knees as he pressed his lips on Minho's, silently begging Minho to respond. Minho's eyes were open in shock, and when he regained his consciousness, he moved his lips slowly. Jisung's lips were soft, and they moved slowly, cautiously.

They broke the kiss, and Jisung sat back on his feet, his eyes wide. Minho was also surprised, sitting there, gauging Jisung's reaction.

"Jisung," he murmured breathlessly, taking in the boy sitting across from him. Jisung was sitting with his legs folded under him, and his hands, which were enveloped in his long hoodie sleeves, were resting on his knees. Jisung was wearing an old oversized hoodie and some loose pants, but his brown hair was a bit disheveled and he was looking away from Minho, obviously flustered as his cheeks were dusted pink.

Minho giggled, happy seeing that Jisung was so flustered. Minho gently took Jisung's jaw and guided Jisung's lips to his own for another sweet kiss. This time, it was less awkward, and Jisung's hands travelled to Minho's hair without him realizing it. Minho leaned into Jisung too, setting his hands on Jisung's small waist. They both closed their eyes and savored the moment, their hearts racing together. Minho felt his heart skip a beat as he felt Jisung smile into the kiss.

The pulled apart, and Jisung grinned as he said, "I guess what you said last night is true, then, huh?"

Minho blushed, hard. "Shut up."

"Nope! Not until you repeat what you said last night," Jisung teased. Minho shook his head no, pouting.

Jisung gave Minho puppy dog eyes. "Please? If you say it, you'll get a kiss!"

Minho's cheeks were bright red as he mumbled, "I like you." He couldn't meet Jisung's eye.

"Oh, what's that? i couldn't hear you," Jisung laughed.

Minho glared at Jisung. "Shut up, you know what I said!" Then Minho leaned back over and took the kiss that Jisung promised him.

Jisung looked so pretty in that moment. His eyes were sparkling, and he was happy. His cheeks were flushed, and his hair was messy due to Minho's wandering hands that carded through it while they kissed. It was cute.

He couldn't help it, and he spoke aloud in a small voice, "You look so pretty right now."

Jisung's cheeks got redder, if that was possible. "No, I don't. I just rolled out of bed. You're the one who looks pretty."

Minho smirked. "Thank you, though I also just rolled out of bed." Minho shyly reached out and took Jisung's small hand, carefully rubbing circles around Jisung's knuckles.

Jisung was watching Minho's hands move rhythmically, then looked back up to see Minho watching him. Jisung grinned cheekily, which made Minho smile contentedly in response.

"Jisung, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Minho asked softly, looking into Jisung's soft brown eyes as they filled with joy.

Jisung felt like his heart was going to burst. He nodded quickly and leaned into Minho, resting his head on his shoulder. "I like you, a lot," Jisung mumbled.

Minho placed a soft kiss on the top of Jisung's head.

"I like you, too."

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