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Jisung continued to show up more, often escorting Minho to his next class. All of Jisung's paths to his classes seemed to intersect with Minho's, and after almost every class they saw each other, even if it was just for a few seconds. Slowly but surely, the interactions became less of a hassle to Minho, but he'd never acknowledge it.

Then, one day, Jisung showed up at Minho's lunch table. Chan, Changbin, and Minho had always sat at the same table, and no one dared to take their spots due to Changbin's aggresive aura and the impression that the three boys were a tight-knit group.

"Hi guys!" Jisung said as cheerfully as always, waiting as Changbin and Minho came up to the table. Chan was already sitting there with Jisung, smirking at Minho. Chan was actually considered a genius around school, and he had a lot of free time during his classes where he was excused to deal with other things, especially since he was also president of the student council. Often, Changbin and Minho never knew where Chan was because he was off doing something important for student council, or he was excused from class because he had finished all of his work. Either way, Chan was always busy, but he always made time during lunch to hang out with his friends. So, for someone to be interrupting this time, Minho was very confused.

"Uh, hi," Minho said quickly to Jisung before pulling Chan to the side.

"What the hell?" He asked, scowling at the blonde.

"What? I just invited him to eat with us," Chan said innocently with a sly look in his eye.

"I'm tired of seeing him around. What, are you two in kahoots together? I saw you talking to him the other day," Minho hissed.

Chan hummed. "Jealous, are we? Look, Jisung really wants to hang out with you. Trust me, he's head over heels for you. Just give him a chance, will you? I have a feeling he'll grow on you."

MInho rolled his eyes. Weird, Jisung had said the same thing to Minho before. When they walked back to the table, Changbin hastily sat next to Chan, quickly pushing Minho to sit on the opposite side of the table next to Jisung. Minho glared daggers at the raven-haired boy, who merely snickered.

Jisung gently nudged Minho, who looked up and met his gaze.

Jisung's cheeks flushed all of a sudden, and he said shyly as he averted his gaze, "Uh, I bought us both chocolate milk. I wasn't sure what you liked, but it was my favorite, so..."

Jisung's behavior was out of character, and it threw Minho off. Where was Jisung's usual bright confidence? Why was he so shy suddenly, and why wouldn't he make eye contact with Minho anymore? Did something happen?

Minho shook off the last question. He didn't care if anything happened. He didn't have any business worrying about Jisung, anyways. Minho huffed, "Thanks," he said gruffly, looking away to try to brush off how his cheeks turned a light pink.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. The past thirty minutes had been extremely awkward, especially with Chan and Changbin around, quickly sneaking glances at Minho and Jisung and sending Minho suggestive looks whenever he made eye contact with one of them.

Of course, Jisung was accompanying Minho on his way to his next class. Jisung was still a little bit off, and his bright attitude had faded. Minho didn't know how to react, but he gently nudged Jisung as they were walking.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked quietly, and Jisung looked away as he turned a bright red.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" he said in a way that blatantly said that he was, in fact, not fine.

"Are you not feeling well?" Minho questioned, concerned for Jisung, who continued to stare at his shoes to avoid looking at Minho.

Jisung quickly shook his head no. "I'm fine," he said. "Oh, look, there's my next class! See you next time!" Jisung shot a quick, nervous smile at Minho before scurrying into his next class. Minho watched him walk away, still trying to figure out what was wrong.

Jeongin was waiting at Jisung's desk in the classroom, but when he saw Jisung's flushed faced, he quickly got up. "Did something happen?"

Jisung collapsed into his desk, putting his head down. "Oh god, I'm totally in love with him."

"Who? Minho?" Jeongin asked, confused.

Jisung nodded, looking up at Jeongin. "Don't even say his name again, it gets my heart racing."

Jeongin smiled, sticking out his tongue. "Ew, what, are you in a drama? Stop saying all these cheesy things. You actually made me worried for a second."

Jisung grinned. "Aww, my Jeonginie does care about me! Come here, give hyungie a kiss!" Jisung playfully grabbed Jeongin and tugged him towards him while Jeongin struggled, laughing. Once they sat down again, Jisung looked at Jeongin in the eye, the mood suddenly getting more serious.

"But really, I think I like him a lot. Just before I got here, he showed a soft, caring side, and I couldn't believe it. It made my heart race. I've never seen that side of him before, and god, I want to see it again. It made me feel special, you know? It made me like him just a little bit more, and it's driving me crazy that he won't accept my feelings." Jisung looked a bit troubled.

Jeongin felt a pang of sympathy when he saw Jisung's expression. He thought for a moment, then said. "Are you serious? You should see him when you guys are together. He's totally falling for you. He always blushes and tries to brush it off when you go and talk to him. Just keep working at it, and eventually you'll break down his walls. He's just like a tsundere."

Jisung perked up. "Really? Well, I've read enough manga to know how to deal with tsunderes," he stated. Then he looked at Jeongin with an excited gleam in his eye that was like a child's. "Does he really blush when I go and talk to him?"

Jeongin gave him a warm smile and nodded. And just like that, Jisung's mood was restored.

He was definitely going to win Minho over.

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