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Time passed, and eventually Jisung recovered. He had healed fully, and was back at school, though the year was just about to end. Nothing really changed, it just went back to normal as Jisung continued to walk Minho to class, and they continued to hang out after school.

During lunch one day, Chan turned to Changbin and Minho. "You guys coming this Friday?" he asked. Changbin and Minho nodded. Chan was referring to the party he held at the end of the year, the weekend before final exams. Of course, Chan called it a "cram session" to preserve his reputation and status os student council president, but everyone also respected him to know not to tattle on him. He also always turned a blind eye if someone brought alcohol.

The bell rang, and Minho glanced at Jisung, who was throwing away his trash at his table. "Chan," Minho said, grabbing the blonde's sleeve. "Can you, uh, invite Jisung this weekend, too? Please?" Minho saw that Jisung was coming over and shot Chan one more pleading look. "I owe you one!" Minho called before joining Jisung's side and walking to his next class. Chan was left in the dust, but he was grinning as he watched the pair walk away, happy that Minho had found someone special to him.

Friday rolled around, and the school was buzzing about the "cram session" at Chan's house. Jisung was at Hyunjin's house, browsing through his clothes. "What are we going to wear?" Jisung asked over his shoulder.

Felix shrugged, playing a game on his Switch. "Ask Mr. Fashionista over there," he muttered, gesturing towards Hyunjin, who strutted in with a silk button-down shirt on and leather pants. His fingers and ears were gleaming with jewelery that sparkled as he moved. Hyunjin's black hair was parted in the middle, but styled so that it looked like it was mussed up and messy.

"I'll find you something," Hyunjin said after looking Jisung up and down. A few minutes later, Hyunjin returned with some clothes for Jisung to try on. He brought a stylish shirt with some graphics on it and a jacket to wear over. Jisung put it on along with some combat boots and jewelery that he brought from home. Hyunjin stood back, looking at the completed outfit.

"Perfect!" he said, admiring his work. "Go get 'em, tiger!"

Jisung scoffed. "What are you, my mom?"

They all hurried out the door. All of Jisung's friends piled into Seungmin's car and they drove to the Bang Estate.

The house was huge, with towering white walls that seemed to be spotless. The lot was surrounded by a huge iron gate, and inside the gates was a roundabout driveway and a sprawling lawn. Kids were scattered about the lawn, chatting lazily.

By the time they got there, they could already hear loud music pulsing through the walls. Jisung was a little bit worried, but Hyunjin said that he'd lead the way during the party.

When they opened the front door, the blaring music escaped and seemed to echo in Chan's giant front lawn. Chan's house was extravagant; he had a huge mansion full of expensive furniture. It seemed like the whole grade was there, jumping to the beat of the music or swimming in the pool or playing beer pong. Either way, it was always a crazy party every year, and this was the first time Jisung had gone to one.

At first, the loud music and all the movement was overwhelming to Jisung, so he and his friends sat at the very outside of the mass of people dancing in the living room. Eventually, he got used to it and the noise faded out to a buzz in the back of his skull. He could still feel the heavy bass pulsing through his body, and that was enough to be aware of his surroundings.

"Let's go to the kitchen!" Hyunjin yelled, but it sounded muffled to Jisung's ears. Still, he nodded. "We have to go through the rave!"

Jisung pursed his lips, knowing full well that going through the throng of people was not going to be fun. Slowly but surely, the group starting moving through the mass of bodies, getting shoved and bumped as they went. Hyunjin went first, then Seungmin, then Felix, then Jeongin, with Jisung backing up the rest of them. Jisung was uncomfortable in this situation, but Hyunjin kept glancing back at them to make sure everyone was in check.

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