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Weeks went on, and Jisung didn't really make much progress, save for the fact that Minho actually waited for Jisung after all of their classes so that they could walk together. Jisung also noticed that Minho's overall attitude towards him had definitely become more friendly, and they even started to have some laughs. Once, Jisung was imitating a character from a TV show, and it made Minho laugh out loud. His laugh was pretty, just like everything else about him, and it made Jisung feel full of a warm feeling that he missed when it passed. Jisung was working towards winning Minho over little by little, and his main goal was simply to make Minho laugh so that he could feel that warmth again.

Minho wasn't really sure how he was feeling towards Jisung. He didn't want to admit it, but Jisung had started to grow on him. His personality and cute quirks were endearing. However, Minho had to maintain his pride and ignore it. He began to enjoy talking with Jisung, who was not ashamed of who he was and what he liked, and Minho respected that. Jisung was the type of person to put himself out there, and if people didn't like it, they could just keep that to themselves and Jisung would keep on marching, lighting up the world with his personality.

Whenever Minho was with Jisung, he never felt lonely or ignored, and it felt good to be with someone who seemed totally enthralled in him. Minho tried to show that he felt an affection for Jisung in his own way, by waiting for him after class, buying his favorite foods for him, or even shooting a quick text to Jisung, though his texts were usually along the lines of "don't be an idiot today." Either way, that was Minho's method of showing Jisung he cared. However, on some days, when he was feeling a little bit more soft, he would send small texts like "your hair was nice today." Jisung always treasured Minho's texts, regardless of its contents.

Jisung knew that Minho was more than just tolerating him, and he wanted go as far as to say that Minho enjoyed being with him. They continued to do their homework together in the library, and they even went to the litte cafe that they went to during their first "date." As time went on, Jisung just continued to feel a growing affection for Minho, his heart kept racing and he felt himself falling deeper in love with the little things that Minho did, like how he looked so focused when he was working, when his brows were set and his lips were pressed into a focused line. Or when Minho was eating and his features softened as he enjoyed his meal. Or when they were doing homework together and their arms bumped, so Minho switched which hand he was writing with so that Jisung was more comfortable. Even the little things that Minho did made Jisung's heart skip a beat.

After second thought, maybe Jisung did make some progress. He smiled to himself as he thought about Minho for the millionth time. He was at home, laying on his bed. They had a week long break coming up soon, and Jisung's heart ached at the thought that he would be away from Minho for that long. He pulled out his phone.


hi! what are you doing? <

[minho <3]

> nothing. you?


thinking about you ;) <

[minho <3]

> shut up

> are you doing anything during the break?


i'm going to visit my grandparents <

they live on a farm!! <

[minho <3]

> cool

> well, i have to go


okay, see you later! <

Minho set down his phone and massaged his face. Things still felt a little bit awkward, but Minho didn't really know what to do. Honestly, his pulse picked up when he saw that Jisung was texting him. He didn't realize it, but deep down, he was missing hanging out with Jisung and talking to him. Their quick conversations were fun during passing periods, and Minho looked forward to them. They were always lighthearted, though, and Minho wondered what Jisung was thinking or feeling inside. Did he have any concerns? Minho wanted to be the one who could be there for Jisung to confide in. But how could he tell that to Jisung?

He sighed, laying down on his bed. He had a feeling that this break was going to be a long one.

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