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However, after that study session, Minho felt like he started seeing Jisung around more often. He would see Jisung out of the corner of his eye, walking near his lunch table or stopping momentarily when he passed Minho while he was at his locker. The ginger just brushed it off, thinking that Jisung caught his eye more often because he had familiarized himself with him recently.

One time, in particular, made Minho stop and look. It was during passing period, and Minho was walking with Changbin to their science class. He looked to the side, and spotted a blonde head and broad shoulders, immediately recognizing it as Chan. He was facing away from Minho and Changbin, and Minho saw that he was talking to someone. After closer inspection, Minho noticed that it was Jisung. He paused, and quickly pulled Changbin to the side, out of the flow of students, to take a closer look.

"Why do you think he's talking to Chan?" Minho asked, looking at the pair from around the corner.

"No clue," Changbin stated, clearly not interested. "Why do you care?"

Minho glared at Changbin. "I don't." He snapped. "It's just weird seeing those two together. Plus, I feel like I've been seeing Jisung around more often."

"Well that's because that hopeless romantic is still trying to win your heart," Changbin said dramatically.

Minho scoffed. "Let's go to class."

Changbin smirked, but obediently followed Minho to their next class.

Later, the bell rang, dismissing Changbin and Minho from science. Changbin had to go in the opposite way than Minho to their next classes, so they said their goodbyes and parted ways. Minho sauntered through the hallways, following the natural flow of students as they meandered to their classes.

Minho was letting his mind wander when Jisung popped up right in front of him.

"Jesus christ!" He yelped, taking a step back.

"Hi!" Jisung greeted excitedly, a broad, heart-shaped smile spreading across his lips. "Are you on your way to history?"

They had started walking as to not disrupt the current in the hallways. Minho nodded absentmindedly before he realized that Jisung had known what his next class was.

"Uh, Jisung, why do you know what class I'm heading to next?" Minho asked, mildly concerned for his safety.

"I just asked around. I wanted to spend more time with you and get to know you better," Jisung said.

It was slightly endearing to Minho, albeit a little creepy, although Minho decided to ignore the latter part.

"Alright. What class are you heading to then?" asked Minho. They continued walking across the school, and the hallways were slowly clearing out as students began filing into their classrooms. Minho had to walk all the way across the school to get to his next class, and because of that he always made it to class seconds before the late bell rang.

"I'm going to my elective class, and it's also in the portables. Do you mind if I walk with you there? We're heading to the same place."

Minho sighed. "You wouldn't listen if I said no, would you?"

Jisung smiled. "Nope! You're stuck with me whether you like it or not. Eventually, it'll grow on you!" He smiled playfully. By that time, they had reached their classrooms and waved a quick goodbye. Minho was surprised by Jisung's resolve. He also had to admit, Jisung's cheerful manner was a refreshing change compared to Changbin's and Chan's witty banter and sly jokes.

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