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"I swear, he's so good looking! I can't believe I didn't notice him before," Jisung exclaimed, desperately trying to explain himself to his friends, who, frankly, didn't care one bit. "I've gotta start talking to him," he said determinedly more to himself than the others.

"Good luck with that, Jisung," one of his friends said. He didn't take his eyes off of his phone. Jisung stuck his tongue out at the purple-haired boy, who quickly responded by flipping him off.

"Hey, be nice, Seungmin," Hyunjin muttered, raking his hands through his black hair.

"Uhhh, but Jisung, you sound kinda stalker-ish. You're like this after seeing him once?" The youngest, Jeongin, questioned.

Jisung huffed and crossed his arms. Seungmin snickered at the little tantrum Jisung was having. "You're like a child."

"Whatever. Felix'll help me, right?" Jisung asked his orange-haired friend who was absorbed in his kart racer game.

"Mhmm, yeah," he droned, obviously not listening.

"Fuck y'all," Jisung hissed as he picked up his bag and left, already thinking about how he's going to win Minho's heart over.

"Love you too, Jisungie!" Hyunjin called out.

The next day, Jisung noticed that Minho was in his Korean Literature class and his math class.

"Are you kidding? You didn't even know he was in your classes?" Jeongin gasped, looking at Jisung with amazement. "So you're telling me you didn't even know he existed until you made a fool out of yourself in front of him, and now you're trying to make him fall in love with you? You're insane."

"Shut up! I'm going to try to talk to him tomorrow, so wish me luck. It's gonna work and you're gonna be eating your own words when we tell you we're dating."

"You're an absolute psycho," Felix muttered, and Jisung shoved him.

"And you're a bitch. What's new?" Jisung shot back.



> did you get the notes from today in lit?


yeah, but who said i'd give them to you? <


> stop being a bitch and send them to me


you owe me <

hey, do you know anything about that kid that ran into me? <


> no

> why


idk i feel like he's been staring at me the past couple of days <

it's kinda weird -.- <


> first of all never use emojis like that ever again it was disgusting

> second of all this is the time when i say "i told you so" because your high school romance movie is starting


hell no <

i'll admit you're right when pigs fly and when you're able to reach the top shelf <


> fuck you


do it no balls you won't <

Once Minho sent a picture of his notes, he set his phone down on his desk. He looked at his papers, but he couldn't understand a thing. It might as well have been written in a different language.

Minho sighed and rubbed his eyes. His mind wandered, and he ended up finding himself thinking about Jisung. What was his deal? If he had a problem, then he should just tell Minho about it and get it over with. Instead, he would just glance at Minho during class then quickly avert his gaze when Minho looked back.

Minho knew he wasn't going to get any more homework done that night, so he decided to play video games with Chan and Changbin and dwell on that stuff later.

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