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Minutes inched by, and Minho found himself checking the clock on the wall every two minutes. He could hardly handle it, sitting there during a normal school day while Jisung was laying injured in a hospital bed. Finally, the bell rang, and Minho sprinted out of class and took a bus to the hospital as soon as he could. It took him a while to find it and get the number to Jisung's room, but once he got everything he needed, he made a beeline to Jisung.

When he found his room, a nurse stopped him. "I'm sorry, but there's aready people visiting with the patient. Can you please return to the waiting room, and we'll call you back when they're done?"

Minho frowned. "Please, I need to see him," Minho pleaded. "Is it his friends that are there? Purple hair, black hair, red hair, and orange hair? If it's them, please tell them it's me."

The nurse nodded. "I'll see what I can do." She went back into the room, and Minho waited outside of the door, pacing anxiously.

The door slid open, revealing Seungmin, Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Felix. They all looked solemn, but Jeongin was able to flash Minho a small smile when he saw him.

"Jisung'll be happy to see you," Jeongin said quietly as he passed Minho, who only nodded and swallowed the lump in his throat as he braced himself to see Jisung.

He quietly stepped into the white-walled room, with a bunch of machines whirring but the room was otherwise silent. There was heart monitor and an IV drip along with a few other machines all attached to a big bundle in the bed. Minho held his breath as he walked up to Jisung, who was laying in bed, wrapped almost entirely in bandages and gauzes. His eyes were closed, but when he heard the quiet slide of the chair being pulled up next to the bed, he opened his eyes.

Despite being in bed, probably exhausted, Jisung managed to show an expression of complete surprise. "Oh," he said, looking at Minho, shocked. Minho panicked, worried that Jisung had been expecting something else. Jisung seemed to sense his unrest and snapped out of his surprise.

He seemed to go back to normal as he stuttered, "Oh, well, it's not a disappointed "oh" it's an "oh" as in a Seungmin-said-I'd-be-happy-to-see-the-next-guest-and-definitely-did-not-expect-it-to-be-."

"Shhh, save your energy," Minho said gently. Jisung's face lit up, and his cheeks turned pink.

"Right," he muttered, looking up at Minho, who was sitting over him and looking down, with his long eyelashes fluttering over his lidded eyes and his ginger hair hanging over his forehead as he leaned over.

"Are you comfortable? Do you want me to adjust the bed?" He asked softly.

"Yeah, can you please sit me up a little bit more?" Jisung answered, his voice only slightly over a whisper.

They were both speaking softly, quietly, as if they were trying to preserve something delicate. And they were. Both of their hearts were racing, almost in time, as they talked, realizing that one was with the other and it was what they needed most in the moment. 

Minho leaned over, taking the remote that adjusted the bed and slowly sat Jisung up so that they were almost sitting next to each other. Jisung watched quietly as Minho fiddled with the machines around him and tried his best to make Jisung feel as comfortable as possible. However, Minho didn't realize that Jisung was the most comfortable he had been in almost a week, next to the boy he loved. Jisung's heart fluttered as he looked at Minho's every feature, and he smiled when he realized that he was seeing a rare side of Minho: the side that was soft, caring, and compassionate. Jisung was so happy he felt like he was floating.

Once he was sat up, they just stared at each other. Time passed, but the two were stuck in the moment. After a bit, Minho's eyes flashed. "Oh," he whispered, turning to his bag and taking something out.

He held one carton of chocolate milk and one carton of coffee milk out. "Can you drink this?" He asked.

Jisung nodded, then watched Minho as he unwrapped the straw of the chocolate milk and put it in, then holding it out for Jisung to drink.

"Thanks," Jisung said after taking a sip. "Chocolate milk is my favorite."

Minho nodded contentedly. "I know," he smiled.

Jisung was confused, until he realized that he had told Minho that the first day he had lunch with him. He felt happiness surge through him when he realized that Minho listened and remembered those trivial things about him. Jisung felt his cheeks warm, and he turned his head away from Minho.

"Do you not like it?" Minho asked, concerned.

Jisung felt his cheeks get even hotter. "No, it's just kinda embarrassing having you see me like this," he mumbled into the sheets. Jisung heard Minho laugh, and his heart soared once again.

"It's okay, it's not embarrassing," Minho soothed as Jisung looked back at him.

"Easy for you to say," grumbled Jisung, "you're not the one who's basically rendered useless and can't even feed himself."

Minho chucked. Was Jisung always this cute?

Jisung finished his chocolate milk, then his eyes sparkled, and he shot a grin at Minho. "But, it's actually surprising to see you here. How come you came to check on little ol' me? Do you like me?"

This time, it was Minho's turn to blush. He turned beet red and looked away, hastily covering his face with his sleeve. "No way."

Jisung laughed, and it made Minho smile. They continued to talk in hushed voices as they caught up, and Jisung was feeling well enough to tell his usual, energetic stories. They both couldn't stop smiling the whole time.

Eventually, Minho's visiting time had come to an end, but he made sure to visit Jisung every one or two days, and he filled him in on the homework and they chatted about the school drama. They continued their playful banter, as if it were almost normal. Almost.

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