-02- 🖤 Can't Fall In Love

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"I feel so happy, happy that I'm free. And I can see things, things I couldn't see. . . But I can't fall in love without you. . . Please don't fall in love without me."
~Zara Larsson, 'I Can't Fall In Love Without You'


*Kongpob's POV*

Standing in front of the bathroom sink, I nervously dry my freshly-washed hands. I had been pacing around anxiously in the dining area before heading to the bathroom for a chance to clear my head.

He could come through that front door at any moment.

In a few minutes, I'll be face-to-face with the man I walked away from, yet who still holds my heart in his soft hands.

I know that when I see him, I'm going to want to gather him in my arms and reclaim those lips I have missed so much. To shower him with all the love and affection I deprived both of us of for the past two years.

But I can't. I need to stay strong.

Two years ago, I took a leap and asked Arthit if we could finally tell our families about our relationship. I've always been really close to my parents, but having to keep my boyfriend a secret caused a strain on our relationship. And the worse part was that my parents didn't even know why our relationship was strained. It was mostly on my end, because I felt so guilty about hiding a huge part of my life for so many years. I expected Arthit to understand that and let me tell them, but... I was wrong.

It's not like I was asking to come out to the entire world. Just our families. Our closest friends already knew about our relationship, so I still can't understand why Arthit was so reluctant to tell our parents.

I had hoped his love for me was strong enough to surpass his fears... but it wasn't.

Deciding I've spent enough time moping in the bathroom, I jump up and down a few times to shake off my nerves before heading back to the dining area. As soon as I step out, I wish I could turn around and go back into hiding.

My gaze falls upon round, dark eyes, piercing into my soul the way only his can. Those pouty lips that part slightly in shock, looking at sweet as they did on the first day we met. His creamy skin is smooth and utterly kissable, making my lips yearn to pepper kisses around his entire face. Arthit is still the picture of perfection, although I never expected that to change.

A delicate blush dusts his cheeks as we stare at each other for the first time in two years. Standing here, right now, my reason for breaking up with him seems ridiculous. All I want is to scoop him up and carry him far away from here so we can reconcile. I nearly do it too, until Em calls my name.

"Kong!" Em calls out, tugging my sleeve. "Sit here, with me and May."

I tear my gaze away, forcing a smile at my two friends as I take my seat. I've been friends with Em and May long before they were even dating. Now, they're married with their first child on the way. Em used to think his crush on May was hopeless, so it always warms my heart to see them so happy together.

Even with Oak sitting on the other side of us, talking my ear off, my focus doesn't waver from my lov— former lover. He's smiling so brilliantly, falling back into that confident boy I knew in college as he's surrounded by his friends.

"How's your family?" Arthit asks Knot; the sound of his smooth voice causing pleasurable goosebumps to arise on my skin.

"My wife is still recovering from having our daughter," Knot responds. "I offered to stay home tonight, but she insisted that I get out for some fresh air. Her mother came by to help out while I'm gone."

Without You [KongpobArthit 18+]Where stories live. Discover now